Officers, Directors and Vice Directors: I am sending two documents for your review prior to our Strategic Planning session on Saturday, July 18. The first is attached to this message; I will send the other separately. The first document is the result of the Executive Committee's strategic planning discussions. It is our existing Strategic Plan with the goals and milestones for each objective removed, and with the proposed edits that the Executive Committee felt were appropriate. Except for the deletion of the goals and milestones, the edits are marked using Microsoft Word's "Track Changes" feature. If this gives you difficulty, let me know and I will supply the document in some other format. This Executive Committee document is simply a strawman - a starting point for discussion. This is not an EC recommendation that the Board simply adopt the document as is; I think I speak for the entire committee in saying that we will be very disappointed if the larger group is not able to improve upon it. In any case, filling out the strategies and milestones for six goals will be a formidable challenge. The proposed changes in "Assumptions & Key External Trends" are not major, except for the addition of the last two. One additional "Mega Issue" is proposed. As you will see from the comments in square brackets, the Executive Committee wasn't sure what do with the "Branding" and "Value Proposition" sections. The "Core Purpose" statement that we developed earlier had the virtue of brevity, but the EC felt that it deserves more than six words. The EC proposes doubling it to 12 words. Having the initial letters of the first five "Core Values" spell out "Radio" was cute but somewhat forced. The principal change being proposed to the "Long Range Goals" is the addition of the effective promotion of technological exploration and operating proficiency as a goal of its own. The second document I will send separately is a survey from our facilitator, Bud Crouch. Bud has used the EC strawman as the starting point for soliciting comments. It will be helpful if you can return the survey form to him by Friday, but if you can't get to it until the weekend he assures me that he will be able to handle it. 73, Dave K1ZZ <<Strategic Plan as of 090707.doc>>