1) The concept of a group of politicians voting their opposition out of office for alleged blasphemy is not something that comes close to my concept of ethical behavior. I note that it is however, the method used very successfully by the Iranian Guardian Council.
Consequently, I will go on record as voting to yes on item 1, review of the decision to finding Mr Rehman "ineligible for reelection."
2) With respect to the complaints against Mr Sarratt, it's not straightforward. If it is true that the Orlando Hamcation chairman asked that Sarratt remove the chairman's picture from campaign literature that seems to imply support for Sarratt's candidacy, it is beyond me that the E&E Committee did not also ask for its removal.
However, my view is that he members in the Southeastern Division are the ones who should decide who represents them, not me, or some other group of directors.
Consequently, I vote to not review the Committee's decision to allow Sarratt to run.
3) The concept of voting on issues without discussion does not come close to my concept of either fair play, good business practice, or ethical conduct.
4) The end results of this action is likely to surpass the League's recent success in its NTS activities.
72 (not a typo),
Dick Norton, N6AA