-----Original Message-----
From: Phillips, Joe (SM, Ohio)
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:25 PM
To: bpl-local
Cc: Akeland@aol.com; brignolo@soncov.com; Skolaut, Chuck K0BOG; Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ; gmendenh@one.net; Greeb, Hank N8XX; hrnw3eoa@one.net; jadrick@cinci.rr.com; jbrooks@myoldkentuckyhome.com; k8bm@earthlink.net; Weaver, Jim K8JE (DIR, GL); Phillips, Joe (SM, Ohio); kc8sil@arrl.net; kg8ap@yahoo.com; kk8o@arrl.net; Lindquist, Rick, N1RL; n3hat@fuse.net; n7ceu@arrl.net; N8RTY@arrl.net; n9rc@fuse.net; rkuns@one.net; russ@wb8zcc.com; thoman@cinci.rr.com; Hare, Ed W1RFI; w8eh@cinci.rr.com; Mondro, Richard (Vice Dir,GL); w8qid@fuse.net; W8stx@aol.com; w8tm@arrl.net; wa8ulw@arrl.net; wb8wfg@arrl.net; wd6adm@arrl.net; wklykylo@compuserve.com; wm8r@arrl.net; wr4t@yahoo.com; smlist; aa8ey@earthlink.net; mreising@fuse.net; n8aeh@arrl.net; n8io@charter.net; n8sy@arrl.net; n8zm@arrl.net; rcmeeks2@direcway.com; w2thu@arrl.net; wb8iny@arrl.net
Subject: The Cincinnati situation

To all

     There has been numerous traffic on this reflector and other messages about the situation in Cincinnati. During these exchanges, I made off handed remarks which enflamed the entire BPL reflector. This was unnecessary and unwise and has caused numerous examples of name calling - all of which serves no useful purpose. I apologize to the entire reflector and the other observers of this issue for the disparaging remarks. Like I said they were unnecessary and unwise.
     As many of you surmised, the original ARRL News Story about Cincinnati's BPL/LIC team effort was for another audience - not the BPL community. This caused the confusion and the attacks on the Cincinnati effort. No matter, my comments were unprofessional and not worthy of an ARRL official.
     My thanks to many for their counsel but particularly to Gary Pearce, KN4AQ,  and David Sumner, K1ZZ.
Joe Phillips, K8QOE
Ohio Section Manager