Without getting into the merits of the proposal, I want to assure Mike and others that there's no attempt by the A&F to by-pass the procedure mandated in the AA&BL. The draft A&F motion included in Dave's cover memo is purely informational. The A&F is well aware that it is the EC's prerogative to call for an electronic vote when and if the EC decides to do so. At the present time, we aren't debating a motion. We are discussing a proposal that may or may not result in the introduction of a motion, by e-mail or at the July meeting. Or some other time. Not my call to make. Including the whole ODV in the conversation now, leveling the informational playing field, seemed to me to be both efficient and collegial. Doing this was my idea (which Dave agreed with), and it should not be interpreted as the A&F trying to make an end-run around the EC. It looks like there is a great deal to think and talk about before the EC would want even to consider authorizing a vote. 73 -Kay N3KN