I’ll be happy to issue similar sold white papers if
anyone can look into their crystal ball and let me know what the next matter,
that is routine and a part of our regular activity, will flair up as a major
Frankly, we just can’t predict that. If anyone had
told me on September 14 that the IARU Region 2 band plan would become a crusade
for one person that would be blown all out of proportion I would have basically
laughed at the idea because it was so inconceivable.
As I’ve stated numerous times, we will discuss this
topic at the board meeting, but we do have to keep these things in perspective.
A case in point is that subsequent to the posting of the story on the web I’ve
received 6 emails. 3 of them were from some of the same people I had
corresponded with before and the other three wanted to know “what the
heck is the problem, everything is fine here. What’s this about?”.
Email to bandplan@arrl.org is currently at
13 emails. Again, some from the same group we have been communicating with that
refuse to listen to any reasoning and just want to argue. There are only two
valid comments addressing band planning issues so far and it is good input that
we can use moving forward.
Just sending out white paper releases on every single thing
we do, beyond what we already truthfully report, would be cumbersome and not
accomplish anything.
We have no plans of publishing any of this in QST. Quite
frankly, that would serve no purpose but to stir the pot even more among those
who have no issue with or care for this matter.
73 Joel W5ZN
From: K8JE
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007
12:36 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: RE: Web Story on R2 Band
Excellent, once
again. You and your collaborators are doing a great job toward damage
control. Admittedly, QST is
less than fully timely; however, do you plan to have a similar article appear
in it to put it into hard copy print for future reference?
My only remain\nig
question is; will we attempt; to forestall illicit attacks from nonmembers and
members alike by issuing similarly-solid white paper-type releases of relevant
articles designed to ward off significant attack. Sound releases of well
crafted white papers is well-known to go a long-way toward defusing irrational
arguments before they are made.
All in all, the current
effort does a great job of debunking existing irrational anti ARRL aimed
post-actively at the League. I certainly hope we take the final step to
strike a blow for sanity a prior
as well as post facto.
Weaver, K8JE, K8J
E-mail: k8je@arrl.org; Tel.: 513-459-0142
ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is!
Members - The Reason ARRL Is!
-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Harrison [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007
10:53 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: Web Story on R2 Band Plan
Tomorrow, the attached story will be
placed on ARRLWeb as well as appear in the ARRL Letter.
The Vice President’s (Kay,
Rick, Rod & Dave) and I worked up and agreed on the story.
This information is public
information and may be distributed and/or used in any necessary replies to
members (and non-members) in your division, but of course it will be on the web
and in the ARRL Letter.
This evening I went back and
reviewed the emails I have received regarding this matter. The email I received
was all the same form letter email. This is provided for info only. I’m
not looking for analysis and I don’t believe any conclusion can be drawn
from it so please don’t waste your time looking for one. Again, this is just
for info only. In each response, the appropriate division director was copied
on my response.
Total Emails (all the same form
letter email) – 51
Breakdown by Division:
Central – 4
Dakota – 1
Delta – 2
Northwest – 5
Pacific – 2
Rocky Mountain – 0
Southeast – 5
Southwest – 2
Email from Members – 33 (1
Diamond Club)
Email from Non-members – 18
Members – 64.7%
Non-members – 35.3%
Of the non-members, the breakdown is
Never been a member – 4
Membership lapsed 1-5 years –
Membership lapsed 5-10 years –
Membership lapsed 15-20 years
– 2
Membership lapsed 20-25 years
– 3
Membership lapsed >25 years
– 1
After my response, 19 responded by
saying thank you for clarifying the matter and setting the record straight. 5
responded (all non-members) and said I was a liar and there was no response
from the remaining 27.
73 Joel W5ZN