I am fine with a reminder being sent from HQ. Whether I send it or HQ sends it, here is what I had planned to send: "By now you should have received a ballot in via the US Mail for the Northern Florida Section Manager election. If you have not received a ballot, please contact (HQ contact person/info) and request a replacement ballot. If you haven't yet done so, please mail your ballot as soon as possible to ensure that it is received at ARRL HQ by the May 16, 2014 deadline." What I am not fine with is a reminder not being sent to members of my Division. Every action that we do can be misconstrued, accidentally or maliciously; to choose to not act out of fear of this is paralyzing and lacks leadership. RM-11708 is an excellent example. Detractors have maliciously misconstrued its purpose and intent—does this mean that we should therefore cease any rulemaking proposals? Thanks & 73, Doug Doug Rehman, K4AC Director Southeastern Division ARRL—The National Association for Amateur Radio® doug@k4ac.com www.arrlse.org www.facebook.com/arrlse