As promised, here is Steve Ewald's summary of the latest SM teleconference. Harold Harold Kramer, WJ1B Chief Operating Officer ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio 860 594 0220 hkramer@arrl.org <http://www.arrl.org/> ________________________________ From: Ewald, Steve, WV1X [mailto:wv1x@arrl.org] Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 3:14 PM To: smlist Subject: [smlist:5250] Highlights of SM Teleconference with NW Division Hello, Section Managers. Here is a summary of highlights of the September 3, 2008, Teleconference with Section Managers of the Northwestern Division. On Wednesday evening, September 3, the Membership and Volunteer Programs office hosted an ARRL telebridge teleconference with the Section Managers of the Northwestern Division. Steve Ewald, WV1X, and Chuck Skolaut, K0BOG, were HQ staff representatives. Director Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF, and Vice Director Bill Sawders, K7ZM, joined the call along with the following Section Mangers: Jim Pace, K7CEX (Western Washington); Mark Tharp, KB7HDX (Eastern Washington); Jim Larsen, AL7FS (Alaska); Doug Dunn, K7YD (Montana), Bonnie Altus, AB7ZQ (Oregon). Chuck Skolaut handled a few questions about the Official Observer/Amateur Auxiliary Program and how it continues to work closely and effectively with the FCC. One potential way to encourage more Amateur Radio operators to prepare for and become a part of the OO program is mention that OOs and have the option of recognizing good operators once in a while during their times devoted to monitoring. The "Good Operator Card" is available to Official Observers, and there is public relations value within the Amateur Radio community when these cards are used. The group discussed the recent Amateur Radio preparations and operations for Hurricane Gustav. Steve explained how the HQ staff organized to support the efforts of the ARRL Field Organization leaders and Amateur Radio operators along the Gulf Coast. Some lessons can be learned from these kinds of emergencies, and they can be applied to any large-scale emergency preparation or deployment. We are presently watching more tropical storms and hurricanes, too. The discussion moved toward plans for the upcoming Simulated Emergency Test in October, Citizen Corps and National Preparedness Month, and ARRL hamfests and conventions. The ARRL Repeater Directory continues to be a popular book to give to a new ARRL member or a renewing ARRL member when he or she join or renews through the Section Manager, Director or Vice Director. 73, Steve Ewald, WV1X Supervisor, Field Organization Team ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio 860-594-0265 sewald@arrl.org <mailto:sewald@arrl.org>