I only received the book. I did not receive the DVD. (I would like to receive the DVD).

As far as a more modern medium goes - I don’t think a flash drive is the right one.

The biggest issue is that flash drives from third parties can easily have malware inserted into them. In fact many corporate IT policies ban them outright, some even going as far as to disable them in the operating system and even physically disconnecting/disabling/covering the USB ports. 

CD/DVD not so much as they are read only. 

I suspect that this product will become superfluous with ebook archives of our other periodicals (QEX, NCJ) when they are available online. The market today has less tendency to own content. People buy subscriptions. I don’t buy DVDs or CDs. Instead I watch movies on amazon video and Netflix and I listen to music on Spotify.

There is demand for a searchable online archive of QEX and NCJ, by the way.

Ria, N2RJ 

On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 11:42 PM Fred Hopengarten <hopengarten@post.harvard.edu> wrote:



Today I received “Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners” by K1DG, and a CD of ARRL 2019 periodicals – on DVD. I am somewhat grateful.


Query:  Is distribution by DVD the modern way to distribute periodicals? Wouldn’t it be better, and cheaper (?) to distribute on a USB stick? No laptop, Kindle, iPad, or mobile phone in my household can read a DVD.


To which committee is my query best addressed?


Fred Hopengarten, Esq.   K1VR

Six Willarch Road

Lincoln, MA 01773

781.259.0088, k1vr@arrl.org


New England Director


Serving ME, NH, VT, MA, RI and CT



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