Hello Mike -

  Sounds great - I am active on JT-9, FT8 and WSPR - the
usual group hangs out on WSPR (474.200 USB with
audio within +/- 100hz of 1500hz) and then a few hundred
Hz above or below for FT8 or JT-9 when the signals build.  

       I have been hearing VK's and ZF here in Chicago
but no EU from here.   My receiver is the FT9000 tuned
to 630 meters with the 80-meter dipole - for TX  I built a
28 Mhz in/475 khz out tx converter that feeds the amplifier
chain. The amps take the  0 Dbm in and provide a linear
250 watts out.   That feeds a low-pass L-network to
match to the shunt feed on the 150' tower.  The resistive
feed point portion is 2.48 ohms and I usually feed about
10 amps... all this for an EIRP of about 50 milliwatts.....
but I am closing in on 15 states, three countries. Not bad
since antenna season doesn't officially open here until
tomorrow - 31F predicted at sunrise.

      The propagation is wild - sometime I cant hear Indiana
but the 7's are solid copy.  The call-signs are all familiar -
K9MRI, K3SIW, NO3M, VE7SJ, AA1A, W3SZ - almost like a
6-meter opening!

         I would recommend downloading WSJT RC3 (release candidate3)
and spinning the HF rig dial down there with any 80 meter dipole or
long wire - you will be amazed at what you can hear.   I have had
a real ball since I got on the band about ten days ago.

  Gud DX es 73,
          Kermit W9XA

On Friday, October 27, 2017, 11:51:55 AM CDT, Mike Raisbeck <vze18vwgu@verizon.net> wrote:

I'm good to go on LF !!


Mike Raisbeck

-----Original Message-----
From: Lindi Harron <lindi.harron@utc.org>
To: k1twf <k1twf@arrl.net>
Sent: Fri, Oct 27, 2017 12:03 pm
Subject: UTC: PLC Amateur Radio Application - APPROVED

October 27, 2017
Dear Michael Raisbeck (K1TWF),
We apologize for the delay, this notice is being provided to approve your proposed amateur radio station in the 135.7 - 137.8 | 472.0 - 479.0 band(s) at the following coordinates:  42⁰ N 35’ 23”, 71⁰ W 21’ 45”.   UTC has determined that your proposed amateur radio station would not operate within a horizontal distance of one kilometer from a transmission line that conducts a power line carrier (PLC) signal in the 135.7 - 137.8 | 472.0 - 479.0 bands. 
An amateur operator must not operate an amateur station if UTC responds that the proposed amateur station is located within 1 km of a transmission line with a PLC system that operates on the same frequency or frequency range.  Amateur operators are advised that their operations within 1 km of a PLC system could cause interference to PLC systems that are used by electric utilities to protect their electric transmission systems against faults and electrical outages.  Interference from amateur operations could affect the operation of PLC systems, thereby affecting the reliability of electric utility operations.  As such, amateur operators are advised not to operate any amateur stations within 1 km of a transmission line with a PLC system that operates on the same frequency or frequency range, and amateur operators will be subject to FCC enforcement for unauthorized operations, as well as potential legal liability for damages that result from interference caused by amateur operations to PLC systems.
Please direct any questions to the undersigned.
Mike Etzel
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