Ah, computers. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em.
Jon Bloom has warned me that while VUCC is in the process of
being implemented on LoTW there will be some temporary impact on performance. Fortunately,
it should be possible to avoid impacting the periods of heaviest use.
Dave K1ZZ
From: John Bellows
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 11:03 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: RE: LoTW is off-line
I accessed LoTW last evening with no problem. Just for
giggles I just tried again, same result.
Even with collapsing stadium roofs and enough snow to be called a
“white wall of wonder” by a local paper, I still got through to LoTW.
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Fallon [mailto:n2ff@optonline.net]
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 9:35 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: LoTW is off-line
Apparently some time yesterday
problems began to occur with LoTW. I began getting error message that
there were too many users about 3 PM Eastern. By early evening I started
to see messages that there was an error with VUCC and later a different message
that LoTW was not available.
As of a few minutes ago there is a note on the entrance page of the ARRL web
page which is run on a different server and system:
We're sorry, but the LoTW system is off-line for
maintenance at present. Service will be restored as soon as possible.
I have already had a few members let me know that
they are seeing problems.
As they say in the movies,the plot thickens.
Frank .....N2FF.......