Couldn't agree more

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On Aug 19, 2014, at 13:47, Brian Mileshosky <> wrote:

While the review of Yaesu's actual product is indeed generally favorable, my guess is that Yaesu is hot under the collar because of the opinions and editorial content found with the review, or how a reader might take away that information whether it was intended that way or not.

A few examples in the first few paragraphs before any actual review of product commences:

"So now we have four incompatible digital voice modes..."  (Potential takeaway: "Thank you for muddying the water further, Yaesu") 

"...D-STAR, APCO-25, and DMR have a significant number of users and repeaters.  D-STAR and DMR have extensive, worldwide networks in operation."  (Potential takeaway: The forthcoming review is about something that hardly has any users, repeaters, or worldwide networks in operation)

Later in the article: "Yaesu's digital voice mode, C4FM, isn't compatible with any other digital voice systems in common use in Amateur Radio"  (Potential takeaway: The forthcoming review is about something that isn't compatible with anything else out there)

I don't even have any interest in this product, for what it's worth.  While these statements (and others within the article) may indeed be true, they strike me as unnecessary, perhaps over the top, and risk being perceived as digs within what's supposed to be confined to an unbiased, objective, honest-broker review of a physical product and its actual vs. claimed performance and ease of use.  ARRL shouldn't concern itself with how a product fits into the world from a philosophical standpoint.  It should merely put the product on the bench, characterize it with lab gear, assess its user interface and operation, and state its findings.


Brian N5ZGT



On Aug 19 2014 8:12 AM, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ wrote:

You may hear that Yaesu is very unhappy with the QST Product Review in September QST and that the company is sharply reducing its QST advertising. This will be apparent with the October issue; the usual three pages of Yaesu ads on pages 6-8 will contain a photo spread about the National Centennial Convention instead. The inside back cover is also affected.


If you have read the review you may well wonder why it has elicited such a strong reaction, since it is generally favorable.


I am in direct communication with Yaesu President Jun Hasegawa with regard to the matter.


Dave Sumner, K1ZZ


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