FYI from Dennis Dura
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™
860 594 0220
From: Dura,Dennis, K2DCD
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 12:32 PM
To: Kramer, Harold, WJ1B
Subject: Headquarters Preparations For Hurricane Bill
Importance: High
As of
the 1500UTZ model runs, Hurricane Bill is still forecast to move away from the
New England States. Impacts to the Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick are still a higher possibility. Parts of the Eastern Massachusetts
Section-Nantucket and the outer Cape may experience Tropical Storm Force Winds
(>39mph) and rainfall up to 4 inches in isolated areas. Coordination
messages and calls have been ongoing with that Section.
As of yesterday,
components of the HQ IMT (Incident Management Team) have been alerted and their
availabilities made known if some level of support to our Sections is needed.
The IMT will be run by Dennis Dura, K2DCD. At this time there is no plan to
activate and our resources are on alert. The situation is being monitored
around the clock. Should Hurricane Bill’s track change to indicate an impact
into New England, the IMT will convene ongoing conference calls with the New
England Division and Sections to coordinate support efforts. In addition to HF
links that would be established if needed, W1AW would also be utilizing
Echolink and our IRLP Node of 4292.
efforts with the National Hurricane Center’s WX4NHC are in place, as are those
with the Hurricane Watch Net and VoIP Hurricane Net to support data gathering
from the impacted areas. Additionally, coordination steps have been taken to
support any efforts that Radio Amateurs Canada and their Field Organization may
require for an impact to the Maritimes.
Dennis C. Dura, CBRM
Manager, Emergency Preparedness & Response
- The national association for Amateur Radio™