Vol. 39, No. 29
October 22, 2014 — Covers the period October 12-18.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
LoTW Study Committee
November 14 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT
Administration & Finance Committee
November 15 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Director/Vice Director Elections
November 21
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
HR 4969 has been the primary focus of work in the Regulatory Information office since the beginning of July. Work continues to support the Washington team and the membership in soliciting co-sponsors for the
bill. Lists of FCC amateur radio licensees in 132 congressional districts from 34 states have been prepared and distributed by the DC team to members of Congress, quantifying the number of their constituents this legislation potentially affects. To date,
approximately 5,000 letters have been received and distributed on Capitol Hill from ARRL membership supporting HR 4969.
We have continued to make updates to various web pages, including most recently the updated Mobile Amateur Radio policy adopted by the Executive Committee at its October meeting. Some updates on reciprocal
operating information have been added to the various pages on the ARRL web. A meeting is scheduled for Monday October 27 with the new Commanding Officer at the Cape Cod PAVE PAWS radar site. We also are investigating the report of a business purchasing the
inexpensive BaoFeng 70-cm HTs, programming them to several amateur frequencies and using them unlicensed for their company’s business communications. We are seeking more information from the party making the initial report before considering the next course
of action.
We continue to work with the new Contest Branch manager, mentoring him as he learns the job.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
We successfully represented ARRL at Pacificon, October 10-12 in Santa Clara, California. The event was the last of the 6 ARRL Regional Centennial Events sanctioned this year. Our exhibit area spanned 4 booths—primarily
serving as a membership meet-and-great area and promoting publications and products. Ed Hare was among the Pacificon forum presenters. President Kay Craigie gave the banquet keynote address. Pacific Division Director Bob Vallio W6RGG presented the division's
Ham of the Year Award to John Bigley, N7UR for his outstanding contributions to the Amateur Radio Service. Our exhibit contributed revenues of $22,722. There were 148 membership applications returned totaling 296 membership years, including 1 new Life Membership
pledge, 36 new and previous members, and 111 renewals. Product sales topped $11,000 (Orlando $10.5k, and Huntsville $8k). We sold nearly $1,000 of the new “Arduino for Ham Radio” book—our top selling book at Pacificon. A $1,000 contribution was accepted
from a member for ARRL Foundation scholarships. The ARRL team of staff and officials included Kay Craigie, N3KN, Bob Vallio, W6RGG, Vice Director Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT, Section Managers Brandon Bianchi, NI6C, Ron Murdock, W6KJ, Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV, Gary
Grant, K7VY, Jim Latham, AF6AQ, Dan Pruitt, AE6SX, and Rob Griffin, K6YR; and staff Yvette Vinci, KC1AIM, Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD, Diane Petrilli, KB1RNF, Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, and Ed Hare, W1RFI. Bob Inderbitzen posted photos to ARRL’s Facebook
page throughout the event.
Diane Petrilli had reported that September ended with 164,679 members, a gain of 89 over August (a gain of 232 was forecasted). We have 1,799 members over the year-to-date goal. 71.83% of September 2014 expirees
paid on time (vs. 73.80% last September).
A 40,000-piece membership mailing was sent on October 10. Responses have not started to come in yet. The previous membership mailing, sent last month, has returned at 1.65% 5 weeks out.
A Columbus Day membership emailing brought in nearly 50 members. Other seasonally-themed appeals will email later in the month.
A test membership mailing to new hams started this week. We are testing responses to the QuickStart Guide vs. a new mailing that includes a 2015 ARRL Calendar.
Jackie Ferreira reported that September product sales were at $245,796, exceeding the sales forecast of $176,896. Direct sales were $154,801; dealer sales were $90,995. Year to date sales are $2,351,898; ahead
of forecast by $176,664. Among the top publication sellers was “Arduino for Ham Radio”--contributing $28,234; 1,208 units. The Centennial edition “ARRL Handbook” stocked out in early September—helping clear the deck for the introduction of the 2015 edition
“Handbook” in October.
A 2015 “Handbook” solicitation, which mailed to 60,000 members and past purchasers, continues to drive-in orders. The response rate has already exceeded 1.3%.
Now Shipping: The 2015 “ARRL Handbook” hardcover and softcover
editions, and the 2015 ARRL Calendar. Advance orders have all been shipped. Copies to Directors will ship within the week.
Yvette Vinci prepared the email notification for the November 2014 digital edition of QST, distributed to ARRL members on Wednesday, October 15. The distribution list included 114,976 members--up a bit
from last month (114,693).
Our email distribution list for Publication & Product Announcements has just crossed 80,000 subscribers—up 6,000 from October 2013. The list includes 78,000 members who receive new publication announcements
and special offers throughout the year.
Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa):
Week ending |
Packages fulfilled |
Member Premiums |
10/17/2014 |
1,814 |
120 |
10/10/2014 |
1,077 |
187 |
10/3/2014 |
703 |
682 |
9/26/2014 |
789 |
655 |
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Steve Ewald traveled to the Arkansas State Convention in Batesville on Saturday, October 18, to represent ARRL Headquarters.
Director David Norris, Past President Joel Harrison and Steve gave presentations during the forum. Arkansas Section Manager Dale Temple, W5RXU, was there and several other Arkansas Section Leaders also attended.
Leona Adams has been working on updates and additions to ARRL Field Organization appointment data base. She has also been sending out initial supplies and informational correspondence to new Field Organization
appointees. We have also noticed an increase recently in the receipt of Section Manager expense reports.
Radio amateurs from Missouri, Michigan, and Western Washington successfully completed requirements to become Official Observers this past week. Chuck Skolaut compiled and sent the monthly Official Observer
Summary to all OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers. Several reports were received regarding a station on 75 meters with a wide signal. Several complaints were received about a station operating on 28.425 MHz that’s causing problems and possible interference.
The Orange OOC outlined problem areas there and possible ways to address them. Chuck was in the operator’s chair to handle a morning code practice session at W1AW.
Education Services
Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ
We published a Fall issue of Radio Waves in September. The distribution went to 10,448 addresses.
License Instruction
Instructor and Teacher registrations continue to pour in. We received 148 registrations between Sept. 1 and October 15. Quite a few of those registering as an instructor mention that they are planning to start
license instruction anew in their communities.
As a result of our development of a web page where we can publish online classes, the Long Island instructor who has been using this web page to provide information about his classes has been receiving an overwhelming
number of inquiries and is now offering sessions for as many as 50 students at one time. He is enrolling students from across the US, including Hawaii and Alaska.
On October 17 the US partners opened a window to accept new proposals from US educational institutions that seek to host an ARISS contact. The proposal window will remain open until December 15, 2014 for contacts
to be scheduled in 2015. For details visit
Several contacts planned for October have had to be rescheduled due to changing schedules on the ISS related to a delayed Space X launch and changes in various planned EVAs. The only US contact thus far in
October was last Friday, Oct. 17 with students at Indiana Area School District in Indiana, PA. This was s telebridge contact with astronaut Alexander Gerst, KF5ONO. There is one more contact scheduled on Oct. 25 with the Explorer’s Club, in New York City
before crew replacements that will result in a hiatus when no licensed US crew will be on board.
September contacts in the US included the following:
September 3: A direct contact between students at the Evansville Day School, Evansville, IN and astronaut Greg (Reid) Wiseman. Students prepared for the event during the summer practicing radio contacts and
participating in license classes. Read more. View a local
media story about the contact.
September 8: A direct contact with students at St. Joan of Arc School, Lisle, IL. Students interviewed astronaut Alexander Gerst, KF5ONO. The lead teacher attended the ARRL Teachers Institute in July
2014. Listen to a local media report and an interview with the lead teacher by
Hap Holly on the Radio Amateur Information Network.
September 9: A direct contact with students at Lanier Middle School and Lanier Cluster Schools in Sugar Hill, GA. Listen to a local
media report about the contact.
During the September-mid October time period the ARISS team also supported 5 contacts internationally, included contacts with schools and educational venues in Germany, Japan, Russia, Switzerland and the United
NASA’s contractor, CASIS, which manages the ISS National Lab, has confirmed with ARISS leadership that the ham radio station will continue to be a welcome payload in the
ISS National Lab. CASIS has promised to dedicate support from their development staff to help raise in-kind and/or funding support to sustain the program and improve equipment. NASA’s Satellite Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program has made a commitment
to provide funding for the operational support of the program through March 2015.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff 11/27-11/28 Holiday
All Staff 12/25-12/26 Holiday
Steve Capodicasa 10/27 PTO
`` 11/24-11/26 PTO
Joe Carcia 10/24 PTO
Lauren Clarke 11/25-11/26 PTO
`` 12/24 PTO
Jackie Ferreira 10/24-10/31 DMA Conference / PTO
Dan Henderson 10/27 Cape Cod Pave Paws site
`` 11/14-11/16 Indiana State Convention, Ft. Wayne, IN
`` 11/24-11/26 PTO
`` 12/17-1/6 PTO
Debra Johnson 11/11 PTO
`` 11/24-11/26 PTO
Sean Kutzko 12/12-12/19 PTO
Diane Petrilli 12/22-12/24 PTO
`` 1/26-1/30 PTO
Barry Shelley 10/23-10/24 PTO
`` 11/6-11/7 PTO
Chuck Skolaut 11/4 PTO