As I always say at club meetings, all the best DX is at the bottom of the band.

Congratulations Becky!  See you on the air.

On Nov 14, 2022, at 10:11 AM, Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <> wrote:

I am very happy, and so proud, to announce that Becky, W1BXY has added /AE to her callsign!
Having prepared, studied, and then attended the Nashua Bootcamp (thanks Fred & Anita Kemmerer!) this past weekend, Becky was able to achieve her goal of earning the highest class license.
WELL DONE!!  If you’re interested in getting licensed or upgrading, speak with Becky.  She CRUSHED her Extra Class exam.
Join me in sending Becky a warm congratulations!
arrl-odv mailing list

                                    -Kristen (K6WX)

"Your eyes ... it's a day's work just looking into them" 
                                       Laurie Anderson

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