Creation of a third standing committee as described would make a significant change in the operation of the ARRL Board. Could I impose on supporters of this new committee concept to present a little more information about this proposal?

Some comments and questions -

1) What is expected to be accomplished or repaired or changed by this? Is there something wrong with emergency communications and Field Services that can not be handled by the PSC?

2) This seems to leave the PSC with little to do but work on contests and possible redesign of DXCC endorsement stickers. 

(I don't think I've ever seen positive comments from the contest community about the League's Board of Directors being involved in changing contest rules. Admittedly, recent changes in CAC/PSC functioning may change this membership perception in the future.) 

Does this intentionally gut the PSC? 

3) Is there some benefit to the proposed distribution of Board members on the new committee?

- Those with interest and skills in Government/FCC interface that are on the Executive Committee and interest and skills in emergency communications can serve on both EC and ECFSC committees.

- Those with interest and skills in contests/programs and interest and skills in emergency communications can only be on one of the PSC and ECFSC committees.

- Those with interest and skills in administration and finance and interest and skills in emergency communications also can serve on only one of the PSC and ECFSC committees.


Are there actually five Board members with significant EmComm knowledge and interest that is greater and more important than their knowledge and interest in A&F or other PSC matters? 

4) Should such a committee be staffed essentially only with Board members, or are there other outsiders who would better serve the interests of the ARRL, Amateur Radio, and served entities? Should there be more participation by interested and knowledgeable Vice Directors? Would the League and Amateur Radio be better served if this were to be a committee with outsiders more like the RF Safety Committee?

5) There are national EmComm-related issues that the full Board should discuss. 

a) Do current ARRL suggested band-plans meet the needs of EmComm? 
b) What is the ARRL position on participation in SHARES, and use of SHARES (non-ham) frequencies in emergencies. 

It would be appropriate if the entire Board participated in such discussions. It wouldn't be a bad idea if this were a topic of somewhat informal discussion on Thursday or Friday night, where Vice Directors could participate. I am of the belief that at some Vice Directors are among the Board's most knowledgeable members with respect to EmComm.


Dick, N6AA

On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 10:41:11 AM PDT, Bud Hippisley <> wrote:


The Emergency Management Director Selection Committee (EMDSC) has just filed EMDSC-1 with Ms. Pereira. In accordance with the tasking of Minute 33 from the July 2020 Board Meeting — that directed the EMDSC, in collaboration with the Chair of PSC (Director Ritz), to draft the Bylaw and Standing Order changes necessary to facilitate the creation of the third Standing Committee — this Motion contains the bylaw changes necessary to create the third Standing Committee.  No changes to Standing Orders were necessary.  The new Standing Committee will be known as the Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee (ECFSC).

Although the Motion’s principal purpose is to enumerate the tasking and basis for the creation of the new Committee (which it does in new By-Law 40), ancillary changes required when moving from two to three Standing Committees and re-aligning the duties of PSC and the new Committee required changes to By-Laws 37 and 39. Accordingly, this Motion includes those changes, as well.

The EMDSC (Directors Abernethy, Hippisley, Jairam, Norris and Stratton, and Vice Directors Cooper, Schilling, and Tharp) unanimously recommend the adoption of EMDSC-1.  Director Ritz, as PSC Chair, also approves the Motion.

The Legal Structure Review Committee reviewed EMDSC-1 and approves the Motion.  President Roderick’s input and contributions are greatly appreciated and are incorporated in the Motion.

The Committee thanks all who have assisted in the effort to bring the new Standing Committee to life and complete the Minute 33 tasking on time and under budget.

Other Members of the Committee and I look forward to again seeing everyone in Hartford in July.

73 --

Bud, W2RU
Chair, EMDSC

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