Some confusion over the term "Band Plan."

ARRL publishes guidance for utilization of different modes within bands:

And now we have published these documents as a "Band Plan."

I'm assuming that the recently published documents are targeted toward suggestions for regulation. This apparently is not understood. Perhaps we should clarify the difference by using the term, "Trial Proposal for Frequency/Mode Allocation" if this is the case.

Sorry to pick nits, but I have three members who were confused... so far.


Mickey Baker, N4MB
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf

On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 8:39 AM Kermit Carlson via arrl-odv <> wrote:
Hello ALL -

    It was my understanding that the roll-out of the
Band-planning Committee recommendations would
be done through a news story on the League Webpage,
along information about the preferred method for members to
comment to the Board.

    The Committee report and proposed bandplan has been
posted on the ARRL site, as noted in several of the
social media sites.   But it appears that we have no
recommended method of receiving comments and
parsing them to the various Division Directors and
Vice Directors.

 The manner of this announcement is not
how I had understood that the plan was going
to be introduced to the membership.

                                  73,  Kermit W9XA
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