7 Dec
7 Dec
2:55 p.m.
Just passing this on from Ernest, 4S7EA, per his request. ----- Forwarded message from 4s7ea@sltnet.lk ----- Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 21:56:24 +0530 From: ernest amarasinghe <4s7ea@sltnet.lk> Reply-To: ernest amarasinghe <4s7ea@sltnet.lk> Subject: Emailing: Copy of JA4AHV 002.jpg To: w5zn@arrl.org The Director and all members of yr staff. WISHING YOU AND STAFF A MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008. Have enjoyed reading QSTs for the past 25 years or more. Thank you for the 2008 ARRL CALENDER recd here this morning. This is my 50th year into ham radio and still active on all bands. 73 Ernest 0008060094 www.4s7ea.com ----- End forwarded message -----