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Vol. 32, No. 31

August 5, 2009  --  Covers the period July 26-August 1.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Section Manager Workshop

September 25-27 – ARRL HQ

United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)

October 12-16 – ARRL HQ

Technical Relations

Reported by Brennan Price, N4QX

The USTTI Amateur Radio Administration Course has been scheduled for October 12-16 in Newington.

Jon Siverling is attending meetings of US Study Group 1 this week.  He is also chairing Wednesday's session of IWG-2 of the FCC's WRC-12 Advisory Committee, at which Brennan Price will introduce a proposal on WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.23 (500 kHz).

Media & Public Relations

Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP

The brochure for IARU emergency communications is progressing well.  August CONTACT! has been posted and emailed.  The new audio PSA that women can be hams too has been made available at http://www.arrl.org/pio/ARRL709D.mp3 plus an informal contest for people to create their own audio PSAs promoting Amateur Radio has begun and can be seen at http://pr101.wordpress.com .  (It will run until Oct 1)  Two NM radio interviews are scheduled in the next week in preparation for going to the sections convention at the Duke City Hamfest.

Two related issues have come up.  In Oregon they are looking at developing a subset of PIOs specifically tasked to ARES and working on the scope, requirements and job descriptions for those positions.  Meanwhile in Kentucky, an ARES activity received local media attention which was overall positive despite no PIO on scene - but held quotes from a local leader that Amateur Radio is “dying.”  The KY-PIC, Nick White, NV9V, was alerted and working on correcting this when the article was repeated in the New York Times (Aug 2).    There has been a great deal of discussion about these two activities.


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

The Diamond Club logged nearly $20,000 in gross revenues for the month of July 2009, bringing the 2009 year-to-date revenues to $152,349 from 1150 contributions.  Revenues for July are up 36% over July 2008 with particularly strong renewal response – up 12% over July 2008 renewal responses - with a strong 2009 average renewal gift of $177.26 compared to $119.18 in 2008.  These results are due in part from a solicitation mailed to lapsed Diamond Club members.

Analysis of the Spectrum Defense Fund is nearing completion.  This in-depth look at results from past years will help fine tune the fall campaign which is scheduled to mail in early September.


Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE

The Compass, the online publication for members of the US Power Squadrons, has published a shortened version of the article Joel Hallas wrote for the July 2009 issue of QST.

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol 28, No 30, for July 31, 2009. She also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for July 31.


Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI

Annual Auction

A break in testing has allowed Bob Allison prepare radios for our annual on-line auction.  Several radios recently donated (very dirty) worked after minor repairs and running on the bench.  Once deemed sellable, they were cleaned up and made presentable.  Equipment that did not work will be sold at a future flea market.

Quite a bit of past Product Review equipment was turned over to the sales department for our on-line auction.  Bob Allison’s new system of keeping track of equipment brought into and leaving the Lab helps this process.


Thanks to help from Mike Martin, we may finally see resolution in a longstanding power line noise case in Florida.  Laura Smith will help facilitate a Mike Martin investigation later this month.  Based on my urging, Ms. Smith will provide full FCC support, including a requirement that the involved utility provide a repair crew during the investigation.

Up until now, the FCC has not pursued this case in a manner a satisfactory manner.  Apparently the Field Office closed the case and didn’t even tell the complainant.  Laura Smith indicates they determined the noise was not strong enough to be considered harmful interference.  As the record shows however, the same Field Office issued a citation in the same case for the same noise level.  A more complete timeline is as follows:

o       Approximately 1995 – Complainant hears noise and notifies utility

o       01-29-01 – Complainant first notifies ARRL

o       07-13-01 – Complainant notifies FCC

o       06-10-02  - FCC issues first letter to utility

o       01-09-03  - FCC issues second letter to utility

o       05-20-04  - FCC issues third letter to utility

o       December 2005 – I visit site of complaint and generate noise report

o       05-16-06 - FCC issues citation to utility

o       November 2007 – Two FCC field agents attend Mike Martin workshop and use this case as a training exercise.  Two sources are quickly located in the neighborhood.

Mike Gruber has located a new volunteer to maintain the Sounds of RFI page, Craig Miller, KA1GYB.  Craig has programming skills, in addition to his interest in RFI sounds.

Mike Gruber continued discussions with the Kansas City FCC Field Office—they want Mike to assist them in a difficult power line noise case when he heads out that way.

Mike Gruber has completed his update of the RFI web pages.

Mike Gruber is reviewing options for updating the RFI book’s TVI pages.


Bob Allison worked with Joel Hallas testing open wire transmission line.

Technical Information Service

Bob Allison corresponded with a ham who wanted to know how to conduct a CW class.  Bob explained how he did it years ago, but added what would be useful as far as equipment goes.  Zack Lau, at the same time, placed a PowerPoint series of photos on “How to build a Practice Code Oscillator” on our web site.  Strangely enough, Mike Gruber brought in a practice code oscillator to the Lab as a donation!

Sales and Marketing

Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R


ARRL ended July with 155,308 members -- a net loss of 331 members over June.  Membership is up 681 members (goal 1,776) for the calendar year.  Returns from a large 50,000 piece membership campaign are expected to help boost August figures.  The mailing dropped on July 30.

Product Sales

July product sales ended the month at $208,397—just short of goal by $9,793 (about a day’s worth of sales).  Direct sales were $111,884; dealer sales were $96,513.  For the calendar year, sales are ahead by $5,739.

The Warehouse crew fulfilled 1,016 packages for publication and product orders, and shipped 481 free book membership premiums and QST mailing supplements.

ARRL Conventions

Date    Name    Division        City    State   ARRL HQ Rep.   
Aug 7-8 Texas State     WG      Austin  TX      Dennis Dura    
Aug 7-9 Pacific Northwest DX    NW      Spokane WA      Sean Kutzko    
Aug 14-15       New Mexico State        RM      Albuquerque     NM      Allen Pitts    
Aug 15-16       Alabama Section SE      Huntsville      AL      Bill Moore     
Aug 15  Southwestern Division   SW      Santa Barbara   CA      Chris Imlay    
Aug 16  Kansas State    MW      Salina  KS      Chuck Skolaut  
Aug 22-23       West Virginia State     RK      Weston  WV      Ed Hare
Aug 23  W. Pennsylvania Section AT      New Kensington  PA             
Sep 11-12       Delta Division  DL      Mena    AR             
Sep 12  GL Division Symposium   GL      Findlay OH             
Sep 12-13       Virginia Section        RK      Virginia Beach  VA             
Sep 18-19       W9DXCC  CL      Elk Grove Village       IL             
Sep 19  Ohio Section    GL      Reynoldsburg    OH             
Sep 26  Mid-AT States VHF Conf. AT      Plymouth Meeting        PA             
Sep 26  Washington State        NW      Spokane Valley  WA             
Oct 3   EMCOMM East     AT      Rochester       NY      Harold Kramer  
Oct 9-11        Pacific Northwest VHF   NW      Seaside OR             
Oct 11  Connecticut State       NE      Wallingford     CT             

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N

DXCC Branch

        Credits Applications   
2008 Carryover  105,955 944    
2009 Received   401,765 3,412  
Cumulative Total        507,720 4,356  
2009 Processed  417,442 3,652  
Remaining       90,278  704    
Processing Time                  7 weeks       

Category        July 2009       Year-to-Date   
Triple Play WAS         10      291    
WAS Certificates (Manual)       31      184    
WAS Certificates (LoTW) 21      200    
A-1 Op Nominations      27      126    
A-1 Op Certificates     16      159    
Extra Class Certificates        4       56     
WAC Certificates        30      207    
VUCC New / Grids        10/1,880        71 / 6,860     
VUCC Endorsement / Grids        9/346   61 / 3,533     
Processing Time         Current

Logbook of the World

Category        July 2009       Percentage Change

Jan – July 09  
QSO Records Entered Into System 233,090,318     14%    
QSL Record Matches      22,295,402      24%    
Logs Processed  1,044,545       28%    
Active Certificates     42,779  15%    
Registered Users in System      28,129  16%    

Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries  July 2009      
Initial Setup Inquiries 100    
Award Related Concerns  33     
Maintenance     114    
Customer Usage Issues   34     
Total   281    


Thanks to Bill Moore and Chuck Skolaut for covering the Thursday and Friday morning shifts.

Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives.  He created the texts for the August W1AW Qualifying Runs.  He also updated the Qualifying Run web page.  He processed one Qualifying Run endorsement.  In addition to regular logs, Joe also uploaded to LoTW the logs from 2009 Dayton Hamvention Special Event Station W1AW/8 and 2009 ARRL Northwestern Division Convention Special Event Station W1AW/7.  He also processed regular QSL card requests.

Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the latter part of the month of July and early August.  He assisted the DXCC department with plaque processing.  Scott also worked the Thursday and Friday early afternoon shifts (in addition to his regular night shifts) for Joe Carcia.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Steve Ewald participated in the quarterly Citizen Corps Affiliates’ Teleconference Call on Monday, July 27.  Plans for the National Conference on Community Preparedness in Arlington, Virginia, were discussed.  This national conference is hosted by Citizen Corps and the International Association of Emergency Managers.  Steve will be representing ARRL Headquarters at this conference from August 9th to 12th.

Leona Adams reports that New Mexico Section Manager Don Wood, W5FHA, has been nominated to run for another term of office as Section Manager.  Petitions for this particular SM election cycle are due at Headquarters by September 4.

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Staff Absentee List

All Staff               9/7             Holiday

Kathy Allison           9/25-9/28       Vacation

Bob Allison             9/25-9/29       Vacation

Steve Capodicasa        9/8-9/14        Vacation

Joe Carcia              8/7             Vacation

     ``                 8/14            Vacation

     ``                 8/21            Vacation

Jackie Cornell          8/6-8/10        Vacation

Dennis Dura             8/6-8/11        Texas Emergency Management Meeting, Austin, TX

Steve Ewald             8/9-8/12        NCCP, Arlington, VA.

Steve Ford              8/24            Vacation

Scott Gee               9/17-9/18       Vacation

Mike Gruber             8/24-8/28       Vacation

Joel Hallas             8/3-8/14        Vacation

    ``                  8/24-8/28       Vacation

Ed Hare         8/15-8/21       IEEE EMC Symposium      , Austin, TX

     ``                 8/22-8/23       WV State Convention, Weston, WV

     ``                 8/24-8/25       Vacation

Penny Harts             7/31-8/11       Vacation

Dan Henderson           7/27-8/10       Vacation

Mary Hobart             8/12-8/14       Vacation

      ``                        8/28            Vacation

     ``                 9/4-9/8         Vacation

     ``                 9/25            Vacation

Berta Hould             8/3-8/14        Vacation

Amy Hurtado             8/10-8/14       Vacation

Bob Inderbitzen         8/24-8/28       Vacation

Linda Kleinschmidt      8/10-8/14       Vacation

Harold Kramer           8/3-8/7         Vacation

Sean Kutzko             8/7-8/9         Pacific NW DX Convention, Spokane Valley, WA

Monique Levesque        7/31-8/7        Vacation

Diane Petrilli          9/8-9/11        Vacation

AnnMarie Pinto          8/17-8/28       Vacation

Allen Pitts             8/6-8/7         Vacation

Ashley Rakus            8/7             Vacation

     ``                 8/14            Vacation

Steve Sant Andrea       8/24-8/25       Vacation

Barry Shelley           8/10-8/21       Vacation

Dave Sumner             8/19-8/26       Tokyo Ham Fair & GAREC-09

Alex Tara               8/24-8/28       Vacation

Sharon Taratula         8/7             Vacation