I can't improve on Deb Jahnke's explanation, so here it is. 73, Dave K1ZZ Folks, The ARRL Web ads are back up and running. You may see an occasional red X in some of the secondary pages as some of the house ads continue to be populated and we continue to work on that now. However, all paid ads are up and running and ARRL ads continue to be added as I write this. I would like to thank Janet Rocco who was able to retrieve all data from the other Open-X source and get them input into the new blank resident system in record time. And of course to Mike Keane who provided the solution and guidance to get us back so quickly. 73, Deb Jahnke, K1DAJ Sales Manager, Advertising and Business Services ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio(tm) 225 Main Street Newington CT 06111-1494 Telephone: 860-594-0329 email:djahnke@arrl.org