Hello All; The following message is being forwarded without permission; considering the details involved, I believe that this is appropriate. Please note that I have not independently verified the accuracy of this email Of course, our prayers and wishes go out to those in the affected area. 73, Kermit Carlson W9XA Central Division ViceDirector
>>FORWARDED MESSAGE>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Brian McCarthy NX9O <treasurer@svhfs.org> Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 10:16 AM Subject: [SVHFSList] SVHFS 2011 Conference Canceled To: svhfslist@svhfs.org
As a result of the severe storms experienced across the North Alabama region on Wednesday evening, much of the area remains without power. At 8:30 AM CDT the City of Huntsville Mayor has requested the cancellation of events until such time as services are restored and the city has recovered from the damage. Additionally, the city has imposed a curfew from dusk to dawn. The SVHFS Conference Committee has therefore canceled the conference this weekend, and will make a determination regarding the rescheduling of the conference to a future date. Any information regarding the rescheduling of the conference will be posted on the website, http://svhfs.org/ . Stay Safe Everyone, Brian McCarthy NX9O Treasurer, Southeastern VHF Society, Inc.