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Vol. 36, No. 34

August 14, 2013  --   Covers the period August 4-10.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Executive Committee:

October 5 @ 8:30am – Denver, CO

Director/Vice Director Elections

November 15

LoTW Study Committee

November 15 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT

Administration & Finance Committee

November 16 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT

Media & Public Relations

Reported by Sean Kutzko, KX9X

I discovered the city of West Carthage, NY has a tower ordinance planning meeting scheduled for August 19.  ARRL Regulatory Information Manager Dan Henderson and Northern New York Section Manager Thomas Dick, KF2GC were informed.

The PR Committee approved the idea of petitioning Google for an ARRL “Google Doodle” related to the ARRL’s Centennial Convention.  A Google Doodle is a special drawing on Google’s search engine page.  I drafted a letter asking for the Google Doodle, which the PR Committee approved.  Plans are to ask those subscribed to the ARRL PR reflector to use the document as part of an email campaign for the Doodle.

I met with Education Manager Debra Johnson about the lack of ARRL publicity during ARISS QSOs.  I am working on ideas, including asking PIOs to be present during an ARISS QSO to explain Amateur Radio’s role.

Allen Pitts continued work with on the Centennial Video project and the “I AM The ARRL” video project.

I distributed 2 packets of materials for Amateur radio presentations made in California and Maryland.


Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD

Development offers two new benefits to members at the Platinum and Director levels of the Diamond Club ($2,500 and higher): specially designed personalized QSL cards and a complimentary personalized 2014 ARRL Centennial Edition of the Handbook.  Emails were sent out this week to current Diamond Club members at this level.  To view the new Diamond Club QSL card, go to:  http://www.arrl.org/the-arrl-diamond-club.

Members of the Maxim Society are also eligible to receive personalized QSL cards.  To view the new Maxim Society QSL card, go to:  http://www.arrl.org/maxim-society.  Special thanks to Di Szlachetka, Dave Patton and Marketing for helping to provide these benefits to our most generous donors.

A solicitation mailing to 75,000 ARRL members for the Education and Technology Fund is planned for early September.  Results from the Spectrum Defense solicitation mailing in July continue to be strong, and a reminder e-blast is planned for later this week.


Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI

Product Review

Bob Allison completed testing of a dual band, VHF/UHF FM mobile transceiver.  This particular make and model was the second unit tested by the Lab; the first unit was not quite compliant with FCC emission standards and it had a functioning scrambler.  These issues were communicated to the distributor and the distributor contacted the manufacturer.  The manufacturer made improvements to the harmonic filters and disabled the scrambler.  All transceivers of this make and model now have these improvements.  The transceiver tested has been passed along to the reviewer and the test data passed along to the distributor to share with the manufacturer.

Bob Allison completed testing of a VHF Handheld Transceiver for Product Review.


Bob Allison attempted to load software that runs a software defined HF transceiver, only to determine the Lab’s screen room utility computer was too outdated to run the software.  Thanks to the IT department and Andy Sheffrin, a new Windows 7 PC has been ordered.

Bob Allison has signed up to review another transceiver kit; an 80 meter 5 Watt SSB/CW transceiver, which will be built at his home this fall on the dining room table (thanks , Kathy).  May, 2013 QST featured a transceiver kit that Bob built, tested and reviewed that received positive feedback from our members.


Mike Gruber completed a report for the two engineering representatives from the Eaton Company.  They will be here on the afternoon of August 14.  The purpose of this meeting will be to show and discuss immunity problems with the Eaton AFCI Circuit breakers.

Mike Gruber conducted an on-site RFI investigation with the assistance of Bob Meneguzzo, K1YO in Agawam, MA.  The primary source that we located was a consumer device in an overhead apartment unit.  We were not able to gain access or cooperation from the upstairs renter so unable to pinpoint the device.  Power line noise was also a secondary source.  Mike discovered that Bob has expertise with medical devices—he agreed to help us with our Medical Devices RFI page.

With the assistance of Lori Kosier, Mike Gruber purchased a non-consumer fluorescent light ballast from a nearby Home Depot.  Ms. Kosier made it clear that the device was to be used in a residential environment at the time of purchase.  Mike then generated a report and forwarded to Ed Hare concerning the circumstances of this report.

Electronic Publications

Zack Lau has been fielding questions on Travelplus GPS—the biggest issue seems to be finding the Extras icon on GPS receivers.  Users have to learn how to use the scroll button to find it.


Mike Gruber made some updates and revisions to the RFI Web pages.

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N


Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time        1 Week 
Logbook Processing Time 3-5 Business Days      

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the IARU Region 2 Monitoring Coordinator.  The FCC was updated on a situation regarding a General Class licensee who continues to operate outside of his band privileges.  Several reports of an unidentified RTTY signal on 14.290 MHz were received and are being checked out.  Chuck filled in at W1AW for vacationing staff.  He conducted the morning code practice runs this past week and hosted a number of guest operators.

Leona Adams received nominating petitions for Tennessee Section Manager Ketih Miller, N9DGK, and for Alabama Section Manager David Drummond, W4MD.  Both are running for new terms of office for their respective sections that begin on January 1, 2014.  Petitions for this Section Manager election cycle are due at Headquarters by September 6.

Field Organization reports for July activities have begun to flow into Headquarters, and editorial preparations for this column of QST are underway for the October issue.

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations

All Staff               9/2             Holiday

Allison Barbieri                8/19-8/23       PTO

Joe Carcia              8/16            PTO

     ``                 8/23            PTO

    ``                  8/30            PTO

Steve Ford              8/26-8/30       PTO

     ``                 9/5             PTO

Mike Gruber             8/26-8/30       PTO

     ``                 9/30-10/4       PTO

Gail Iannone            8/22-8/30       PTO

Bob Inderbitzen 8/12-8/14       PTO

      ``                        8/16-8/19       Alabama State Convention, Huntsville, AL

    ``                  8/30-9/2        North Carolina Section Convention, Shelby, NC

Debra Johnson           8/12-8/16       PTO

      ``                        8/30            PTO

Harold Kramer           8/16-8/18       Alabama State Convention, Huntsville AL

    ``                  8/23-8/27       PTO

Monique Levesque        8/12-8/16       PTO

Diane Petrilli          9/20-9/30       PTO

Barry Shelley           8/12-8/26       PTO

Chuck Skolaut           8/17-8/26       Kansas State Convention, Salina, KS/PTO

Dave Sumner             8/16            PTO

       ``                       8/21-9/8        PTO

       ``                       9/20-9/28       IARU Region 2 Conference, Cancun, Mexico