A most excellent response.
-- Andy Oppel, N6AJO
At 12:49 PM 3/5/2004, you wrote:
5 MAR, 2004 - 1445
Thomas Collen, KG0AG
836 Hidden Lake Rd
Roberts, MN 54023-8348
Dear Mr. Collen,
Thank you for your comments on the ARRL's license restructuring
I'm assuming you have read my latest Central Division Newsletter which
outlines the board's rationale for this proposal. Therefore, I will
to not repeat myself too much here.
Our proposal that you state was "cobbled together" was
developed over the
last six months of 2003 in response to the removal of the Morse code
radio licensing requirement at the World Radio Conference (WRC-03) last
summer, the findings of two professional Readex surveys (2000 and
and the FCC's statement in its last amateur license ruling that
something to the effect that further restructuring/streamlining of
Amateur Radio Service license structure is desirable.
At the ARRL board meeting last July, the ARRL Executive Committee
tasked with drafting a license proposal for presentation at the
2004 board meeting. The entire board spent one evening informally
hashing through this proposal and then took the better part of an hour in
formal session discussing amendments before finally voting to approve
it. Our proposal was definitely not cobbled together.
It's understood the FCC wants to see the number of license classes
now that the Morse code treaty requirement has been removed. The
ARRL proposal was crafted so as to not remove privileges from existing
license classes (there are minor exceptions in the proposed Novice
license) when
they are merged. This would result in some people being given
additional privileges without taking a test for them.
Your proposal would generate a lot of clerical cost for the FCC,
than we envision in the ARRL proposal. It's my understanding the
commission will not look favorably upon amateur radio licensing
that generate a great deal of maintenance cost. You may construe
this as
being a trivial issue and, in my mind, I agree with you. However,
our perspective on how the FCC should spend it's funds, counts for very
in the commissioners' deliberations.
It remains to be seen what the FCC will eventually approve. As you
there have been several other petitions on various aspects of this issue
filed. The board believes the commission will put most, if not all
of them into one combined proceeding. Hopefully, this will happen
within the next couple of months, but the FCC does not appear to be in a
I see you have already filed comments in response to the NVEC's license
petition, and I expect you will file similar comments on the ARRL
petition, once it has been assigned a docket number. I expect to
see several thousand comments filed on this combined proceeding. I
also think we will not see
any FCC ruling until late this year, at the earliest. And I will
not take
any bets on how it's going to turn out. :)
You may, or may not receive replies from the other directors and
as they usually wait to see what the director of the member's division
to say first.
Again, thank you for your input and your long membership in the
73 - George R. (Dick) Isely, W9GIG
ARRL Central Division Director
Andy Oppel