This came across my e-mail this morning from the NLI affiliated club coordinator, Richie, K2KNB. Apparently, liability insurance for sexual harassment is now required if an event has attendees under 18. This is a requirement imposed by local Government when using their facilities. Has anyone else seen something similar? This adds $1500 to the cost, if anyone under 18 is attending. The choice is to either pony up the $1500 or exclude minors under 18 years. See below: "There is however, a more important change affecting LIMARC and something that may affect you at some point. LIMARC uses a county owned facility that now requires us to have a sexual abuse insurance policy if there is anyone under 18 attending our event. Under 18? There are ham radio operators under 18. The cost of such a policy is at this time approximately $1500 for a three day event. We now have to decide whether to spend that money or forbid anyone under 18 from entering the site. That includes parents bringing their children." 73 Ria, N2RJ