The word given me and that I've been passing on is: 1) No need to support H. Res. 230 and 2) It is too soon to become involved in a campaign to support H.B. 5252. I don't recall if it was Joel, Dave or maybe even John C. who gave this advice, initially. Similarly, there is nothing specific to support at this moment in the Senate regarding a BPL amendment to its communications act rewrite. Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division Chairman, Legislative Action Committee 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040 K8JE@arrl.org; Tel., 513-459-0142; FAX, same ARRL, the Reason Amateur Radio is! Members, the Reason ARRL is! -----Original Message----- From: Kay Craigie [mailto:n3kn@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 9:11 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:14091] H Res 230 Please forgive me if I'm missing a point that everyone else has gotten. It's still not clear to me if we want members to continue writing their Representatives in support of H Res 230, or if that campaign is on hold while we urge them to write in support of keeping Section 502 in HR 5252. Thanks & 73 - Kay N3KN