Director RItz -
"Are either the A&F or EC going to work with our new CEO to develop a
hard list of goals and objectives for him to achieve, and metrics by
which success can be measured, so the board can both accurately and
fairly gauge his performance come January 2022?"
My answer:
I would sure hope not!
That to me seems to actually be the responsibility of the entire
Board, and not a small subset of Directors.
In other words, we formulate an annual plan, and the CEO and staff go
and execute that plan. If I'm wrong in this, I am curious to know why.
But to me it seems as though we should be focusing on the org as a
whole, with the CEO having final responsibilities.
The strategic plan should be a multi-year view of the direction of the
organization and that is both the responsibility of the Board and the
In my opinion we should be working with the new CEO on some key areas
where we are lagging and where we need to improve. Also we should
focus on the good and see where we need to keep things at. the level
they are currently.
Since you and I made/seconded a motion to formulate a strategic plan,
this is where we all come in.
Ria, N2RJ
On Mon, 24 Aug 2020 at 17:36, Michael Ritz <> wrote:
> I have just one question, probably addressed to either the A&F or EC Committees: There is a sentence in the middle of Section 1.1 in the contract that reads in part: "... the Board of Directors and Executive annually may agree upon a list of goals and objectives for Executive, as the same, subject to mutual agreement of both parties, may be modified from time to time....", then it goes on to indicate that this list can be used as a performance gauge.
> Good stuff, if any of that actually happens. One of the problems I noted with how the Board handled Dr. Michel was that he was not held to any standard of performance by the Board up front, therefore he could "do his own thing" without apparent repercussion.
> Now the $225,000 question: We're not hiring Mr. Minster just to fill an empty hole in the organization, at least I sincerely hope not. Are either the A&F or EC going to work with our new CEO to develop a hard list of goals and objectives for him to achieve, and metrics by which success can be measured, so the board can both accurately and fairly gauge his performance come January 2022?
> 73;
> Mike
> W7VO
> On 08/24/2020 9:23 AM Niswander, Rick <> wrote:
> Attached is the CEO contract that has been negotiated with and signed by Mr. Minster. This is a confidential document and is marked as such. This is a scanned copy so the file size is larger.
> The wording in the document is almost the same as the agreement with Howard. Obviously the financial and date-specific parameters (salary, updated employment dates, etc.) are different. The financial terms are consistent with the email Kermit sent on Saturday. If you are comparing documents, there is an additional paragraph in this document related to the 3 months of temporary housing [3.1(c)] and the paragraph related to auto allowance was removed.
> The contract has been reviewed by Matt Curtin, the HR attorney at Murtha.
> If you have questions I would be glad to answer them either at Wednesday’s meeting or before.
> Frederick (Rick) Niswander, PhD, CPA, CGMA
> Professor of Accounting
> East Carolina University
> Greenville, NC 27858
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