Dear Fellow ODV Members:

Field Day is, by far, the #1 media generator of Amateur Radio coverage every year.  The media citations from Field Day weekend have a long shelf life, and carry momentum throughout the following year as reference points for use in discussions with our partners and the general public in areas of legislative antenna relief, emergency communications (EmCOMM), RadioSport and the STEM movement for youth (Science, Technology Engineering and Math).


As the board representatives to ARRL’s Public Relations Committee (PRC), we want to offer these last minute reminders and tips for those of you who will venture out this weekend to FD sites in your divisions, and for you to share with your respective Section Managers.  The following information has been sent over the past few weeks to the 53 section Public Information Coordinators (PICs) and the 463 appointed Public information Officers (PIOs) through ARRL’s Public Relations (PR) reflector, but we feel you and your Section Managers will benefit from seeing it too.


In the past few years, social media have become a dominant force in coverage as Hams no longer have to rely on traditional media outlets of newspapers, broadcast radio and television to get out word about Field Day.  Across all social media platforms, please use and encourage the use of the hashtag #ARRLFD in all posts. This will have two benefits: first, it will capture all social media posts using this hashtag to form a common thread across North America.  If enough PIOs and operators use the #ARRLFD hashtag, traditional media news outlets will follow the trend.  Secondly, use of the hashtag will make it easier for Communications Manager David Isgur, N1RSN, and his staff to review metadata generated and analyze the impact of social media coverage from Field Day. Please have your ARRL members join the ARRL Field Day 2019 Facebook page. Enrollment information is midway on the Field Day webpage at


Traditional media do not have the dominance they once did, however they remain a potent force in their own right, and they complement social media.  The #1 traditional media source for Field Day coverage are weekly newspapers.  Hundreds of weekly newspapers publish pre-and-post Field Day stories, largely because they will publish copy and pictures submitted from PIOs. ARRL appointed PIOs and informal club PIOs have access to Field Day media packets on ARRL’s Field Day webpage of at   


Pictures of youth operating Field Day stations are enormously popular.  Legally, however, pictures of minors under age 18 cannot be published without a release signed by a parent or legal guardian.  Please let your ARRL members know that a release form is available to download from ARRL at:  A signed release form must accompany each youth whose picture is sent to newspapers and magazines, including ARRL publications.


As Northwestern Director Ritz pointed out, the download version of the new superb video “What Is Amateur Radio?” is now available at  Please encourage your clubs to have a copy ready to show to visitors and media at their FD locations.


Final tip – if you’ll be traveling throughout your division this weekend, bring a clipboard with copies of the forms and releases your Field Day sites can use if they don’t have them handy.  Have a safe, fun and media filled Field Day.


Tnx es 73 de Bill Morine, N2COP, Roanoke Division Vice Director

Joey Tiritilli, N4ZUW, Southeastern Division Vice Director

Board Representatives to ARRL’s Public Relations Committee