Hello, I agree with Dick Isely, W9GIG saying on ARRL Contest Administration. Kay made an important point about us sending out certificates in a timely fashion. If it is not going to break the bank, so to speak, why not contiune what we are doing. It is always room to fine tuning and attempt to do a better job. I always used the term "work smarter". Henry - WD4Q ----- Original Message ----- From: <dick@pobox.com> To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 3:41 PM Subject: [arrl-odv:14066] Re: A Thought Regarding ARRL Contest Administration
15 MAY 2006 - 1520 CDT
Hello Dick...
ARRL contest administration is a noticeable item in our annual budget. But in defense of this expenditure, I would like to point out that in descending order; contesters (both HF and VHF & Higher), DXers, and satellite users generally spend much more for equipment than other groups of hams. They also have larger percentages of ARRL members, and I believe they each donate more to the ARRL than any other comparable group. =D>
On this basis, I believe the expenditure of 150 K on contest, DX, and other operating awards programs is money well-spent. :-)
You point out that CQ incurs zero cost with its contest (operating) programs. In this part of the country, one of the most persistent complaints is how long it takes to get CQ contests scored and the awards distributed. Some- times the CQ awards, even the certificates, arrive two or more years after the contest. :-( This is because they use unpaid volunteers who have to first earn a living before they can administer amateur radio operating programs.
See you at Dayton...
73 - Dick, W9GIG