In Dallas, Dave Sumner mentioned that continuing to run Section News would necessitate finding 6 other pages per month to cut for the rest of the year. Here are the details of what we have decided to do. We're planning to make these changes without a lot of fanfare, but you may see a little mail about it. We will revisit this after the July Board meeting and during the normal planning cycle for 2003. We expect to stick with this plan through the end of this year. 73, Mark K1RO ______________ Details: Discontinue Radios to Go and Washington Mailbox. Run feature articles as needed to cover these areas. Run Digital Dimension quarterly instead of bimonthly (runs Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec). Run YL News quarterly instead of bimonthly (runs Apr, Jul, Oct, Jan). Publish EC and Board minutes on the Web. Publish EC highlights in the Happenings column, along with the list of new affiliated clubs and Life Members. Continue to publish the Board meeting summary article as we always have. Run the QRP Power and Old Radio columns at 1 page per month. (The current schedule calls for each column to run 1 page for 6 issues per year and 2 pages for the other 6 issues, for a total of 18 pages per year for each column. The new schedule is 1 page per column every issue, for a total of 12 pages per year for each column.) Run World Above 50 MHz at 2 pages instead of 3 in July, October and December. Run Up Front in QST at 2 pages per month instead of 3 (we now have color photos throughout QST). Run Test Your Knowledge bimonthly instead of monthly (runs May, Jul, Sep, Nov, Jan). Adjust the space for feature articles and QST Workbench as needed (by 1-3 pages/month).