I’m not certain why we are taking this vote at this time; it feels a bit like forming a committee to pick members of a committee. As I understand, this vote is to decide whether we will vote again!
Last year, I was challenged by an individual in my election. My opponent was constantly saying and printing things that just were not true. I asked him to stop but his answer was “it’s just politics”. While I do not agree with that philosophy, I’m afraid the Courts in our Land disagree with my position:
In Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus (Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus, 525 Fed. App’x. 415, 416 (6th Cir. 2013), Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the unanimous opinion. “The truth or falsity of political speech should be judged by voters, not government bureaucrats,” (bold emphasis added)
There have been more cases prior and I expect more in the future, that will connect political campaigns closely with the First Amendment. Again, although I do not agree with this direction, it seems to be a fact-of-life. (Do not consider it proof just because it is written in books, for a liar who will deceive with his tongue will not hesitate to do the same with his pen.....Maimonides)
Mr. Rehman’s concern over the mentioned picture seems a mute matter, when he has pictures of himself of Facebook standing by a patrol car (is the police department supporting his campaign) or operating at the Hurricane Center (although I appreciate his volunteering to help his community I don’t believe the Center is giving a tacit support of his campaign) any more than my own pictures of me operating W1AW or standing behind a table at the NW Division ARRL convention, indicates that the ARRL supported my campaign.
Again, while I can be empathetic towards Mr. Rehman’s concerns, as I and many others have faced similar difficult campaigns, I feel that unless Mr. Rehman’s friend officially complained and asked that the picture be removed from the poster, nothing more can be done.
It is time that this ARRL Leadership returns to the other tasks before us. With this and other matters, recently, we have been distracted enough. I am confident that without a review of the E&E decision, Mr. Rehman will find ways to overcome this subject and run a professional campaign. To restate Justice Thomas: “The truth or falsity of political speech should be judged by voters, not government bureaucrats”.
I vote no
Jim Pace, K7CEX
From: arrl-odv [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Roderick, Rick, K5UR via arrl-odv
Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 4:23 PM
To: arrl-odv@arrl.org; dhenderson@arrl.org
Subject: [arrl-odv:25637] Board Vote - E/E
Hi all:
I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and got some operating time in.
As you know, Doug asked that the Board members review a decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee pertaining to a candidate flyer of Doug’s opponent in the Southeastern Division, pursuant to ARRL Bylaw 41. See ODV:25631.
We need to have a vote on whether or not the decision of the E&E Committee should be reviewed. If a majority of the Board votes no, then this matter will be deemed concluded. If a majority of the Board votes yes, then we will proceed to deciding whether a majority of the Directors vote to change the decision of the E&E Committee after they have reviewed the matter.
Therefore, I am asking that each Director vote on the following:
Should the Board review the decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee regarding the complaint of Doug Rehman, K4AC concerning the election flyer of Greg Sarratt, W4OZK? _______ Yes ________ No.
Doug has requested a vote of the full Board of Directors and that the votes be recorded. Accordingly, please respond to ODV so your vote can be recorded by the Secretary.