
Harold sent out a good rebuttal of this from Mike Corey explaining the public service communications concept.  It should be in an earlier ODV message from yesterday if I remember correctly.   ARES is fully supported now and in the future with no earth shattering changes. 


David A. Norris, K5UZ
Director Delta Division

Sent from my iPhone

On May 23, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Brian Mileshosky <> wrote:

Gotta love spin, minus context -- or, in Heil's admitted case, knowledge --, plus mass media.  Way to be responsible, Gordo and Heil.


By the way, Mike Corey was the keynote speaker at the Rocky Mountain Division Convention in Utah two years ago.  He broached much of this exact subject there.  Many of us know that Utah hams are VERY deeply involved in ARES and community and religious groups involved with public service/disaster/emergency communications.   Having gotten a sneak peak of Mike's presentation (content and perspectives of which I agreed with, by the way), I was interested and admittedly rather nervous about how it would be received, considering the hard-core ARES nature of the 150-ish strong audience.  Mike brought the house down.  I can't tell you how many compliments I received from ARES members, and even those in the audience who had no interest in being involved with ARES, reflecting on his presentation, remarking about how badly perspective like Mike's was needed in the ham community, etc.  Compliments continued to trickle in for about 4 months after the Convention.  Not a single piece of negative feedback was received.


An attendee posted Mike's presentation with audio here: if anyone is interested.  He spends the first 20 minutes describing the extent of his office's impressive mission, and then launches into the candid content starting at about 18:45, complete with explanation and context.


The changes announced by Mike's office -- which I support -- are naturally going to catch some people off guard, generate questions, and require some clarification in situations.  I hope that Mike's office continues to be deliberate and visible as it rolls out these changes so that they will receive buy-in from the ARES community.



Brian N5ZGT


On May 22 2014 11:30 PM, Bob Vallio wrote:

I just viewed this program, and found the section by Gordo, WB6NOA, to be most interesting.
Apparently ARES is being phased out.  Take a look starting at 0:07:00 for the latest word.
73, Bob -- W6RGG

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