The Nigerian business deals are getting a little more friendly and polite these days. I guess that's because there's a trend away from the "son of a murdered Nigerian oil executive" to the "Nigerian bank manager looking for a trustworthy person." I get a kick out of some of them but I have to admit that the "bankers" are much more polite and the deals they offer seem not quite as "urgent" as the oil executive's kid who is trying to support a family of 21. I thought the following closing remark on a recent email was very nice. It read: "BELIEVE ME, IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT, I WOULD BE SIMPLY DISAPPOINTED BUT WOULD RESPECT YOUR DECISION." Now that's the kind of guy who will definitely be on my e-XMAS card list!! 73, Rod p.s. My running tally shows the following balance in the Nigerian banks: $156,880,048,902,028,460.09. Please do not ask me to explain about the $460.09! It has something to do with a bonus due to "direct deposit" pay checks.