Joel, Having lived through the entire process I reluctantly vote to withdraw RM-11306 as it is pretty obvious that it is doomed. The negative comments were overwhelming. More than 1300 comments is a very large number in a procedure of this sort. We did no grassroots work on this one. At this point I fail to see how we can salvage anything from the "regulation by bandwidth" petition to refile as it is now going to be all that much more difficult to sell the idea a second time around as Jim Weaver and others have already pointed out. Unless we mount a really massive and successful campaign we will get even more negative comments next time out. I need to see something other than smoke and mirrors before I vote AYE an any new proposal. Perhaps we might want to focus on the one point which I believe started us on the "regulation by bandwidth" path and that was the realization that there was going to be an explosion of digital operation and new very wide modes using sound card software.. A request for a Part 97 revision limiting the bandwidth (none currently exists now) of any digital mode might solve the problem as I view it. It will of course anger the the Winlink or Pactor 4 types. Yes, I know it's now Pactor 3, but 4 is probably in the wings. The digital portion of the bands will expand but that may be a good thing. I think on this issue the ARRL Board is way ahead of the members in recognizing the problem and seeking a solution. The bottom line is that at this point I am going to have to be persuaded that we can propose a successful replacement at the July meeting. I think I am going to be very difficult to persuade. It may be that we are too early with this concept. 73 de Frank....N2FF....... Harrison, Joel wrote:
I have received votes from 11 directors concerning the EC proposal to withdraw RM-11306, all voting in favor.
I have not received votes from Bellows, Leggette, Fallon or Frenaye.
If you gentlemen have voted and I missed it, please let me know.
73 Joel W5ZN