Fred, There are several companies that offer voting services. Before I raised my motion at the last Board meeting, I did research via Google and found several examples. All the voting systems I have used, as a member of an association, have worked well. This includes voting for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, IEEE, ACM, etc. (Actually I think the IEEE may have written their own.) I absolutely agree that we should not write/maintain our own software. We should investigate the cost of such services, ask for references, and, if possible, ask for a demonstration in an actual vote. 73, Art K0AIZ Arthur I. Zygielbaum, K0AIZ ARRL Midwest Division Director On 4/11/2021 10:17 PM, Fred Hopengarten wrote:
An /alma mater/ of mine has just requested that ballots be cast for the Alumni Association Board, and the Overseers (two elections). They are using (for the first time that I’ve noticed) http://www.electionservicesco.com/pages/index.php <http://www.electionservicesco.com/pages/index.php>
The votes that I cast went smoothly.
Their front page says: “Since 1989, employee-owned, Election Services Co. has successfully administered over 8,900 elections for stockholders, credit unions, membership organizations, non-profit organizations, alumni associations, professional organizations, cooperatives, music awards, military organizations, pension and retirement funds.
ESC manages elections on behalf of its clients comprising of over *fourteen million *members annually.”
I have no idea what they charge. But I suspect that using them would avoid the need to write our own software, with all that might entail.
-Fred K1VR
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