----- Original Message -----From: Jim WeaverTo: arrl-odvSent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 11:51 PMSubject: [ARRL-ODV:8151] Director JohnstonBefore he is deleted from this reflector, I want to let everyone know that Gary has been a good friend for many years, and that he continues to show himself to be a fine gentlemen and a friend. I thank him very much for his attitude and demeanor during the recent directorial campaign and since then as he has tutored me during the transition.
In Gary’s case, “Former Directors never die, they don’t even get a chance to go away.” I am extremely pleased that he will continue as chairman of the first Great Lakes Division Convention in many years and in other efforts on behalf of the Division, ARRL and Amateur Radio.
Thanks, Gary.
Jim Weaver, K8JE
GL Division Director-elect
Jim Weaver
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