---------- Original Message ----------From: "FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)" <fema@service.govdelivery.com>To: w7vo@arrl.orgDate: 09/14/2020 6:06 PMSubject: OREGON WILDFIRE - COML, COMT, ITSL
Region 10 RECCWG members, as you know, Oregon is currently under a State of Emergency for significant wildfires burning thousands of acres and damaging and destroying many communications sites. Numerous people have been evacuated and the Oregon Governor states they are preparing for a mass fatality incident based on the number of structures that have been lost.
Oregon is looking at the availability of Communications Unit Leaders (COML), Communications Unit Technicians (COMT) and Information Technology Service Unit Leader (ITSL). Prefer “red carded” but not required. Looking at fire positions AND all-hazards positions. Should be trained, able to meet “light” physical fitness level and able to handle some work near the fireline (smoke in the area). There is not a specific need at this moment, but the Oregon ESF-2 lead anticipates there may be in the near future.
The RX RECCWG is supporting the state of Oregon in seeking information on any agency that COML, COMT and/or ITSLs that could potentially EMAC them to Oregon for this fight. This is only an inquiry, please follow the guidance below. To avoid added traffic by those coordinating EMAC, please follow the guidance below.
If you can support in any way please reply to fema-r10-recc@fema.dhs.gov with the following:
- Your name
- Contact Information
- State and agency/jurisdiction
- Certification (COML, COMT, ITSL)
- Red card? (yes or no)
- Training source (NWCG, DHS, other)
- Date could be available
- Deployment duration limitations (# days you could deploy)
Region 10 RECCWG appreciates any assistance you can provide or forwarding this message to anyone you know that may have radios available to support.
Please DO NOT DEPLOY unless contacted specifically by the State of Oregon.
Thank you for your consideration and help with this request.