Consistent with how I've handled/tracked all recently cleared PSC business topics, this topic will be in the "Status" section of the next meeting's agenda so PSC can be briefed by staff on its roll-out since our last PSC meeting.  As part of that I expect some final discussion to occur (e.g. NN1N feedback about any unresolved misinterpretation of rule language that's been flagged and might require PSC attention; general feedback from PSC members).

Brian N5ZGT

On Mar 16 2015 8:57 AM, Northwestern Division Director - Jim K7CEX wrote:

I don't know either, Dave, but am seeing another publishing decision that
has caused some membership anxiety.  As for P&SC, I have no idea as I am not
on that committee.  

I'm sure we will get through this one, as in the previous ones.

73, Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ [] 
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 7:17 AM
To: Pace, Jim, K7CEX; Norris, David, K5UZ; arrl-odv
Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:24061] Re: RHR Add on Adjacent Page to K1ZZ Artiicle

Jim, I don't know how we could have achieved "a little more conservative
placement." RHR's payment for the placement is on an ongoing basis (since
the February issue) and is not tied to whatever the topic of the editorial
on the facing page might be.

In any case, the editorial isn't likely to revisit the topic of remote
operation any time soon. The subject isn't on the PSC agenda for further
consideration, is it?

Dave K1ZZ

-----Original Message-----
From: arrl-odv [] On Behalf Of
Pace, Jim, K7CEX
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2015 6:33 PM
To: Norris, David, K5UZ; arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:24061] Re: RHR Add on Adjacent Page to K1ZZ Artiicle


I'm afraid this is not playing well in the NW Division either.  Although I
understand we need advertisers, I feel that we should have used a little
more conservative placement, until we finalized our rule planning/changing
and  input from our members in regards to DXCC and Contest issues vs. For
lease/hire stations.  I'm sure we will weather the storm but it might have
been easier after a full review of rules in regards to the foregoing.  73,

-----Original Message-----
From: arrl-odv [] On Behalf Of
David Norris
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:45 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:24057] RHR Add on Adjacent Page to K1ZZ Artiicle

GM All,

I have received a number if very angry complaints from some notable DXers in
this division about this poorly placed add in April QST Digital Ed.  Was
this done on purpose or by coincidence?  Many feel this to be a direct
insult to their achievements in the DXCC program.   Further, this is giving
legs to the false claim circulating around that  the ARRL is "selling out"
to the commercial remote interests.  

This ad placement was not well thought out and now I have a good number of
angry members demanding an apology and a one actually calling for an
investigation.  This continues to be a hot button issue for many of us and
inattentive actions like this cause more controversy and do not facilitate
an environment where we can settle any outstanding differences in a calm and
reasonable manner among our members.  

Who did this ad layout and page selection?  Does the hard copy April QST
have the same page sequence?  Someone needs to start using a little more
thought and common sense. "40 over 9! RHR ad adjacent to that remote
operating editorial?  Really??  We're just asking for it!  


David A. Norris, K5UZ
Director Delta Division

Sent from my iPhone

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