

As you all know, we launched Digital QST last week.  We announced it on the website on Tuesday and we sent out over 117,000 emails with the announcement on Wednesday. This is the largest group of ARRL members that we have communicated with at one time using bulk email.  Thanks to the IT Dept, the mailing went out with no problems.


Overall, we have had a very positive response to Digital QST.  Many members have indicated that they really enjoy the digital edition.   There has not been any adverse effect on membership, in fact, we estimate a membership gain this month of between 300 and 400 members.  There have been a few issues (would we be Amateur Radio or the ARRL without them?):


1.       Cannot log in due to lost or forgotten username or password

2.       No username or password since never registered on ARRL Website

3.       Want QST in pdf rather than Nxtbook format  (this would eliminate DRM (Digital Rights Management) and other features)

4.       Don’t believe that the magazine should have DRM at all

5.       Can view on a Linux based browser but can’t download a copy on Linux.  This is because you cannot download Adobe Air on Linux. 

6.       Cannot download to iPhone or iPad – this feature will be coming in the fall with a dedicated iOs app

7.       Just don’t like the look of Nxtbook format

We have posted the answers to these and other questions on the Digital QST FAQ page.  Feel free to refer members to this page. It is a call out on the main QST page http://www.arrl.org/qst  .




There is also a comment form on the web that members can use to let us know what they think about Digital QST.  We have received about 330  comments so far.   


Some quick statistics:

                To date, there have been 1.12 million page views of Digital QST

                There have been about 25,000 visitors to Digital QST

                About 4,900 copies have been downloaded

                About 600 members have opted out of the print edition so far

                84% are viewing Digital QST on a browser, 12% on a tablet, and 3.5% on a Smartphone – The iPad is the most used mobile device.

                About 85% of the users are from the USA, the next largest group is from Canada at 2.7%, then United Kingdom at 1.4%, 


This has been a two year process for all of us.  Thanks for your help and support with this.





Harold Kramer, WJ1B

Chief Operating Officer

ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio

225 Main Street

Newington, CT 06111

(860) 594 -0220