I thought I would share a bit of bad news with the 'family." I have had a terrible disaster. My 70 ft. tower and an apparently very strong gust of wind got together at about 5 AM a few mornings ago with the result that the top 60 or so ft. of the tower now lays in a fairly straight line pointing (of course) toward Newington. Accompanying the tower are a TH11DXS a 6 M beam, a couple of VHF/UHF Ringos and a 160 M Carolina Windom. It looks as though reconstruction can being as soon as a new TH 11 is received.
The interesting thing is that about 25 ft. away, I slept through the fall even though it woke up my grandson. I guess this means I have a clear conscience.
Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director
ARRL Great Lakes Division
5065 Bethany Rd.
Mason, OH 45040; Tel. 513-459-1661
ARRL, The national association for Amateur Radio