Realizing that “the road to Hell is
paved with good intentions”, I can only say that a Division wide email on
the EC Proposal and the Rep. Ross House Resolution are on the agenda short list.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kay Craigie
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 2:19
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:12253] Re:
Bandplan Proposal & Marketing
The ARRL Letter, whose April
15 edition contained a story and the URL to the FAQ's on the proposal, went to
over 65,000 members. That's not a trivial percentage of the membership.
I am curious about the fact
that the Division-wide e-mail bulletin capability has been used in only one
Division (if I'm reading the stats correctly) to provide facts to members
about the proposal via text bulletins or direct URL's to relevant pages on the
ARRL web site.
Regardless of one's opinion
about entering the thread wars on QRZ, et al., we do have this unused
capability to reach members and counterbalance the misinformation and
distortions that they may be reading in the threads, rants, blogs, soapboxes, and
other fertilizer bins.
73 - Kay N3KN