19 DEC 2007 - 2115 CST
Fellow Board Members...
I just finished a phone conversation with the (real) NFCC Secretary
Treasurer, and my long-time friend, Nels Harvey, WA9JOB.
The group calling itself the National Frequency Coordinators Council,
is not the amateur radio frequency coordination organization that
has an MOU with the ARRL. This bogus NFCC is the same group of
Texas hams that tried to usurp the Texas repeater frequency coordination
entity, the Texas VHF Society.
After losing its District of Columbia not-for-profit incorporation in
the National Frequency Coordinators Council, Inc. was again
incorporated in Nebraska as of the first week of this month. This
is the amateur radio frequency coordination organization that has the MOU
with the ARRL. After
some internal difficulties about three years ago, the (original) NFCC is
alive and well with a properly elected board of directors and an updated
website hosted by the ARRL at:
On this website, you will find a brief bit of the NFCC's history,
about the current NFCC officers, NFCC certified coordination entities,
articles of incorporation, bylaws, and coordinator certification
I would not be surprised to see the real NFCC respond to the December
18th announcement of this rogue organization in the near future.
There is already
a brief mention of this group on the NFCC website listed above.
- Dick, W9GIG