Brian -
It appears that many Section Managers have not gotten the word and are
looking for information on the status of the OO program. One of my
Section Managers asked me about this yesterday, and also told me that it is a
topic of consternation on the SM Yahoo group.
You mention that an announcement was made on your behalf in the ARRL news
article of January 23rd, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The only
recent news crawl mention that I can find is a blur buried deep and lost in the
February 3, 2017 article about the legislative agenda. In fact, the only
article specific to the OO restructure on the news crawl that I can find dates
back to March 24th of last year, 2016. Am I wrong?
I would rather not have to answer questions from my SMs that really
shouldn’t need to be asked. As a former SM, I understand why my current
SMs feel left out on occasion. On an issue that falls in the jurisdiction
of the Field Organization, I think that it would be better public relations to
keep the Section Managers in the loop as best we can. It falls under the
“happy wives make happy lives” school of thought.
Might I suggest that you send some notification directly to the 71 Section
Managers to let them know what’s going on. It will make them feel engaged
and included, as they should be anyway. Let’s not forget that they will
have the responsibility to implement whatever we come up with.
73 de Mike N2YBB
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 8:17 PM
Subject: [exec-com:8547] OO Study -- January status
Greetings --
With apologies for my tardiness, please find attached the OO Program Study
team's status report summarizing progress made, issues to be aware of, and
look-aheads from the month of January.
I'll have the monthly status report summarizing similar information from the
February timeframe distributed by the 5th. Happy to answer questions in
the interim.
Thanks and 73,
Brian N5ZGT
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