25 SEP, 2003 - 1550 CDT

I'm quite certain we can document, with the right "PE stamps" on the
paperwork that BPL would truly be RF pollution on a national scale.
However, the Commissioners are going to ride this horse as far as they
can drive it - in spite of "professional" proof that PBL is a badly
flawed concept.

I believe the only way this dragon can be truly slain is to make it politically unpopular to the point our federal legislators will again
override the FCC as it just did in the commercial broadcast service. 
True, we are not equipped to mount a mass-media campaign aimed at the prospective users of BPL.  But we should be able to get consumer groups
on the warpath by documenting for them that BPL cannot be the ubiquitous,
low cost, high-speed broad band Internet link because its physical
limitations reduce signal bandwidth/throughput and make it far more
costly, than hyped by its proponents, to serve widely scattered

Much of Corporate America is in deservedly disrepute with many of our
citizens today.  If consumer organizations (Consumers' Union, AARP, etc.)
were to really spread the word that BPL is a greatly overstated proposal
that cannot provide a competitive Internet communications service, will
endanger our national security, and will only enrich a few CEO's, I
believe the necessary "critical mass" can be achieved and it will crush
this proposal.

73 - Dick, W9GIG