

Much appreciated.


Some other factors that might affect the cost outside of normal travel, hotel and meal expenses could be:


·         Lost staff productivity in travel time for those staff attending the board meeting

·         Potential loss of productivity in committee reports by not having information available from department managers/staff who normally provide presentations/answers to the committees


Wonder if we could include estimates for these as well?




-    Bill N3LLR



> -----Original Message-----

> From: Joel Harrison []

> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 8:26 AM

> To: arrl-odv

> Subject: RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location



> QSL.


> Dave is preparing a response to you other request regarding the cost

> comparison.


> 73 Joel PY/W5ZN




> -----Original Message-----

> From: []

> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:21 AM

> To:; arrl-odv

> Subject: RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location


> Ok.  Thanks.


> -----Original Message-----


> From:  "Joel Harrison" <>

> Subj:  RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location

> Date:  Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:37 am

> Size:  12K

> To:  "arrl-odv" <>


>                             Bill,


>   As is the case with all of our "mail votes" via email, each

> director's

> vote will be recorded from their email response and the tally of who

> voted

> aye and who voted nay will recorded and made public at the conclusion

> of the

> vote.


>   73 Joel W5ZN




>   From: Bill Edgar []

>  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:13 PM

>  To: arrl-odv

>  Subject: RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location



>   Dave,


>   What are the cost projections for board meetings at Hartford and for

> board

> meetings at Houston, TX.

>   Additionally, I'd like a roll -call vote for this vote to go on

> record

> publically.


>   - Bill N3LLR


>       From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ []

>  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:43 PM

>  To: arrl-od

>  Subject: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location




>       Earlier the Board authorized staff to investigate an alternate

> location to the Hartford area for the January 2008 Board Meeting.

>   Staff completed its investigation and has reported to the Executive

> Committee that the best available site is Houston, Texas. Space is

> being

> held for us at the Marriott-Greenspoint North, about 15 minutes from

> Houston's Intercontinental Airport.

>   As authorized by the Executive Committee,President Harrison has

> instructed

> me to offer the following resolution for consideration by the Board:

>   "Moved, that the 2008 Annual Meeting be held in the vicinity of

> Houston,

> Texas."

>   An "aye" vote is for the meeting to be held in the Houston area; a

> "nay"

> vote is for the meeting to be held in the Hartford area.

>   Please respond, either to me or to arrl-od, with your vote.

>   David Sumner, K1ZZ, Secretary





