Hi all:

Here's the latest list of motions for the Board meeting. If you have a motion that has not been submitted, please send it to ODV today so we can prepare and discuss it ahead of time if needed. 


Rick - K5UR


PSC 1 – Standing Order for PSC approval of contest rule changes without involving full Board – 1. Ritz 2. Vallio (See motion in Dropbox)
2020 Doug DeMaw W1FB Technical Excellence Award
2020 Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year Award
2020 Knight Distinguished Service Award
2020 Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award
2020 Technical Service Award


Ritz 1 Rev B – Clarifying the ability of all board members to attend any standing committee meeting as a Board guest – 1.Ritz, 2. Hippisley (See motion in Dropbox)
Ritz 2 – Recognition of Radio Club of Tacoma's 100th anniversary as an ARRL affiliated club – 1. Ritz, 2. Jairam (See motion in Dropbox)
Ritz 3 – Revise By-Law 18 (requires ¾ vote) to make consistent with the Director and SM Election Rules document updated in January – 1. Ritz, 2. Jairam (See motion in Dropbox)
Jairam 1 – Revise By-Law 47 (requires ¾ vote) to provide Electronic Signature Confirmation – 1. Jairam, 2. Ritz (See motion in Dropbox)

Legal Defense and Assistance Committee

LDAC 1 – Motion to revise and update purpose of Legal Defense Committee –
1. Stafford, 2. Raisbeck (See motion in Dropbox)

HF Band Planning

BP 1 – To adopt Band Planning Report including revised band plans – 1. Raisbeck, 2. Williams (See motion in Dropbox)


E&E is considering a motion to release to the membership the names, call and position sought, for each candidate as he or she qualifies