Howard —

I’m sorry, but this member of the EC disagrees with your statements below.  To the best of my knowledge there is no formal procedure for EC “vetting” of Rick’s submissions to the page.  In my world, “vetting” implies that release for public consumption does not occur until after a formal approval is received.  To the contrary, I often first learn of the League’s public response to a given event only by going to that page myself or — as has happened more than once — by being quizzed by one of my constituents about a new ARRL news release that I was not yet aware of!  

I just checked the EC mailing list archives for the past three months, and I find no postings to that reflector from Rick Lindquist.  So I presume any text to be vetted would have come from Dave — and then only for FCC-related matters.  However, what appears on the public News page regarding FCC-related matters is usually an expansion upon what is circulated to the EC by Dave for review and approval.   There is a big difference between “legalese" for submittal to the FCC and a press release for a layperson’s reading.   

IMO, it would be really nice if — at a bare minimum —  copies of all items released to the News page could be sent to the ODV mailing list, so that we don’t have to keep checking the site to see “what’s new”.  It would be even better if our press releases were delayed by at least a few hours to allow the EC or other cognizant committee to register any strong objections one or more of us might have to either the factual content or the tone (or flavor or “optics”) of a planned release, rather than having to request modification of an article after it has already appeared on the News page.

Bud, W2RU

On Dec 19, 2019, at 7:00 PM, Michel, Howard, WB2ITX (CEO) <> wrote:

Respectfully, the press releases are exactly what the EC wants them to be.  By direction, they are written jointly by Rick Lindquist and Atty Siddall, and then vetted by the EC.  The message has been tightly controlled.