Ladies and Gentlemen-
Regardless of where one stands over the minutes argument, this response is disgusting, despicable and childish.   It is a blatant personal attack completely void of respect and unacceptable from anyone let alone a member of the Board “family.”
It is this kind of verbiage escalates an already tense situation and leads us down the path to the toxic environment the Board finds itself in today.
I strongly suggest that apologies be made quickly for this unnecessary tirade before it escalates into calls for public rebuke, which will only further damage the Board’s already tarnished and tenuous reputation.
Mike N2YBB

Begin forwarded message:

From: John Robert Stratton <>
Date: February 2, 2018 at 4:52:18 PM CST
To: John Bellows <>
Subject: Re: Minutes — Final Vote Count


    I am so sorry. I was unaware you were suffering from a progressive degradation of your mental faculties. I appreciate your honest admission that it is difficult for you to retain and process logical thoughts.

    I will apply that understanding when I, or others, receive your blustery blatherings and thus will not apply normal standards of decency and competency to such utterances.

    Have you considered drugs or changing treating physicians?




John Robert Stratton


Vice Director

Legislative Director

West Gulf Division

Office:             512-445-6262

Cell:                512-426-2028

P.O. Box 2232

Austin, Texas 78768-2232



On 2/2/18 4:26 PM, John Bellows wrote:
Your logic escapes me. According to the AABL’s your authority to step in for Director Woolweaver ceased when the meeting adjourned.  Director Tiemstra cast a vote though he was a VD during the meeting. He cast the vote because he was the Director at the time the Directors were asked to approve the Minutes. The AABL’s and logic indicate the Director vote whether or not to approve the Minutes.
Of course Director Woolweaver could rely on your advice in choosing to cast a vote.
The time for playing games is over. It is time to move on.
Jay, K0QB

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 2, 2018, at 3:55 PM, John Robert Stratton <> wrote:


    Thank you for responding on behalf of Dan Henderson.

    But, your records are in error.

    There were two "no" votes: Jim Tiemstra's and mine. As Dr. Woolweaver did not attend the Board Meeting, pursuant to AOA Article 7, I served as the Director and thus held the vote to approve or disapprove the resulting Minutes. And I voted "NO".

    Please correct the League's records. Thanks.



John Robert Stratton


Vice Director

Legislative Director

West Gulf Division

Office:             512-445-6262

Cell:                512-426-2028

P.O. Box 2232

Austin, Texas 78768-2232




Dan is out this afternoon so I’ll respond.

The Directors who voted to approve the minutes include Carlson, Holden, Norris, Williams, Lisenco, Blocksome, Frenaye, Pace, Boehner and Sarratt.

The Director voting not to approve the minutes was Mr. Tiemstra.

The Directors we did not hear from were Abernethy, Allen, Norton and Woolweaver.


Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY

Chief Executive Officer

ARRL, Inc.

The national association for Amateur Radio


(860) 594-0212



From: arrl-odv [] On Behalf Of John Robert Stratton
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2018 3:07 PM
To: Henderson, Dan N1ND; arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:27044] Re: Minutes — Final Vote Count



    As only 10 Directors have expressed their votes on ODV:

                For                                                                                                Against

            Boehner                                                                                            Stratton
            Pace                                                                                                  Tiemstra

    would you be so kind as to identify the unknown two additional votes in favor of the draft Minutes in ODV#27024? As a further thought, and for clarity, would you please identify the votes of all five of the Directors ( Abernethy, Frenaye, Vallio, Allen, Sarratt) whose votes have not yet appeared on ODV?




John Robert Stratton


Vice Director

Legislative Director

West Gulf Division

Office:                          512-445-6262

Cell:                               512-426-2028

P.O. Box 2232

Austin, Texas 78768-2232




On 2/2/18 10:52 AM, Henderson, Dan N1ND wrote:

The Secretary has directed me to confirm that we have received 10 affirmative votes on the Minutes of the January, 2018 meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors. As such, according to our rules, the minutes are approved as presented in ODV#27024.
The approved minutes have been posted on the ARRL web site and we will include a short item on the news crawl with a link to where the minutes can be found.
Thank you all for your help.   73
Dan Henderson, N1ND
Assistant Secretary, the American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Regulatory Information Manager
ARRL - the national association for Amateur Radio
Phone: 860-594-0236
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