This report and the recent report of Congressman Upton's inspiring the Department of Agriculture to loan money for a BPL project in Michigan, bring up the following questions: 1) Do either of these two projects present any threat to Amateur Radio frequencies? Are they low-band VHF-only or have they effectively notched the ham bands out in some way? If they are not threats, is there any plan to present technical information on why not to our members? 2) Was the League notified about the Upton project by Chwat and Company? Is unearthing this type of activity part of Chwat's responsibility? 3) Particularly if the Upton system poses a threat to Amateur Radio frequencies, is there any plan underway to present the Amateur Radio position to either Congressman Upton's office or the Department of Agriculture? Such information might influence additional funding. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 6:10 AM, Cliff Ahrens <cahrens@mywdo.com> wrote:
The BPL saga continues. Here's a link to a report on Yahoo Finance that IBM is partnering with a small newcomer to offer BPL to 340,000 homes in rural areas of Alabama, Indiana, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Cliff K0CA