The 3/28/2014 IN-News had the following item: “Jackie Ferreira reports that ARRL has been registered as a charitable organization on AmazonSmile. When anyone shops on AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com) and selects American Radio Relay League Inc. (ARRL) as a charity of choice, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to ARRL. This has yet to be introduced to ARRL members, but anyone who shops on Amazon can visit smile.amazon.com for more information and how to get started.“ I’ve signed up for it and will have spent about $1k thru it by the end of the month. While that only translates to $5 to the League, it’s “easy money”. I’ve sent out an email to my Division letting them know about it. Is there a plan to advertise this to the entire membership? Thanks & 73, Doug Doug Rehman, K4AC Director Southeastern Division ARRL—The National Association for Amateur Radio® <mailto:doug@k4ac.com> doug@k4ac.com <http://www.arrlse.org/> www.arrlse.org <http://www.facebook.com/arrlse> www.facebook.com/arrlse