Hi all: Barry and I have beenfollowing the developments daily about COVID-19 and the impact on holding anin-person July Board meeting. Today we learned that although hotels will be allowed to open for overnight guests in lateJune, they won’t be allowed to host meetings and events until July 20th at theearliest. This means we will not be able to hold an in-person meeting inHartford. This is unfortunate as you may recall that our plans were to blockoff the entire third week in July to conduct CEO interviews before the Boardmeeting and now those will need to be delayed until we can meet in person. I’vetalked to a good number of Directors the past several weeks during and aftervarious online meetings, i.e. CEOSC, EmComm, and have used the opportunity toask for input about what we should do. There seems to be support to have abrief virtual meeting in July on the date proscribed in the By Laws, which ispermissible per Ed Spinella, CT counsel, and take care of only items that mustbe addressed, and then adjourn to a date specific time in the future in hopesthat we can have our in-person meeting a few weeks later, i.e. early September. That’sthe plan for now. 73, Rick –K5UR