Yawn. This is somewhat of a repeat of something I've sent to ODV every some number of years. Board members are provided with an extra copy of QST, sent by First Class Mail. The reasoning originally given was that Directors needed to be aware of things in QST in order to properly respond to member questions about them. In my 19th year, I don't believe I've ever had such an issue. If a QST issue is important, I can view it electronically. I do not need the additional copy, nor particularly do I need it sent by First Class Mail. If for some reason I need an additional QST copy, I can pick one up in person at Newington during an in person meeting. I do not need the Director's copies of QEX, NCJ, and OTA sent by First Class Mail either. I would be happier if they were sent the same way members get them. Does Anybody Need First Class Mail Delivery of QST? When I Started in ham radio, QST was the place I learned about things. QST was so important that around the time of the month it was expected, I would go home for lunch, just to get QST early. Note that one of the reasons was to see the classified ads for used equipment that was of course, time sensitive. This is something no longer of concern. Today, I don't think anything in QST is time sensitive. We get most of our ham radio news electronically. What significant benefit comes from receiving QST by First Class Mail? Special Cases There may be some special case where someone needs copies sent First Class. If they pay $96 a year for it, OK. They can spend their money as they please. I don't understand why a Life Member would be allowed to "demand" it. "I'm 95 years old and will become a Life Member if QST comes by First Class Mail," would be something I could understand. Cost Reduction Today we are at a time where some Board members are thinking about significant dues increases, increases that are of a size that will substantially impact membership. The first thing we might be doing is looking at ways we can reduce costs. I hope there is some way I can get my extra copy of QST eliminated, and my copies of QEX, NCJ, and OTA sent at regular magazine rates. 73, Dick, N6AA